Sunday, May 9, 2010

17 weeks!!!!

This week is the first time I am starting to feel that this pregnancy is starting to pick up speed, time-wise. I can't believe I am almost half way done!!! Holy Cow!!

This week has definately been one of the BEST weeks since finding out I was pregnant. Pumpkin's little flutters have finally graduated to full fledge kicks!!! It is the cutest thing ever!!!! They are so soft and gentle, and still undetectable outside. They are constantly kicking all the time now and I am truly loving it! I can't wait until I can feel their kicks on my hand!

The only thing I can say to this is PINEAPPLE!!! OMG I think I need to grab me some more! haha

The tiredness is finally at bay. Though I am sleepy because I have a horrible time sleeping at night (due to hunger and the constant need to use the bathroom, oh and the inability to sleep on my back anymore) I can often skip afternoon naps and finish the day somewhat productive. I have finally been able to really play with Mia again. She is loving it! I sit on the floor and we play with toys all morning just like we used to before I got pregnant and sick.

The sickness is so much better. As long as I stay on top of my eating and don't sniff any stinky things I am ok.

Like I mentioned before, kick, Kick, KICK! Is the action of the week! I am feeling my little one kicking me alot more now. My tummy seems to grow more and more everyday and I am really feeling pregnant. I am so happy right now!

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