Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Its official! I felt my first OUTSIDE kick!!!!!

I am so excited I just HAD to write!!! I finally got what I have been waiting for.. FOREVER! My very first "outside" baby kick!!! What I mean by outside, is that I could feel the baby kick on my hand when I touched my tummy! Isn't that so awesome!!!

It happened about 9:30pm tonight. I was in the bathroom using my new straightener after my shower. Then all of a sudden, my stomach felt alittle funny and I could feel a little movement. Then something drew me to put my hand on my lower left side of my tummy and sure enough within seconds I felt a little "bump"!!! It was pumpkin! and an official kick, there was no mistaking it! I was so shocked and so happy. I said "hi" back to the little baby and rubbed my tummy a bit.

I am so happy! This is the best part of the pregnancy by far! The belly and the kicking! I am on cloud nine!!!!

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