Thursday, May 20, 2010

Relief at Last!

As you have read earlier, I have been having lots of pains throughout my baby belly, not to mention the ligament pain. I have been so concerned about both since I am still very early in my pregnancy. I haven't even hit half way yet!!! With Mia, most of these symptoms didn't even pop up until my 8th month! I was NOT looking forward to the future!

I bought a pregnancy belt with Mia's pregnancy but I wasn't to impressed with it. It really didn't help with the pelvic pain nor the back pain. It was itchy, uncomfortable and tight. I rarely used it and by the end of the pregnancy I misplaced it. I have yet to find it... I probably threw it out and don't remember.

Well this time around I decided to invest alittle money and buy myself a better more supportive belt. I saw some at Babies R Us back when I was pregnant with Mia, but I was so close to giving birth by then I didn't bother buying it. So when today's pain continued for the 5th consecutive day, I decided it was time.

We had to buy diapers for Mia anyway so while at Babies R Us I picked up this support belt. It cost $30, which is alot of money for us right now. I was really hoping I wasn't just wasting my money. My stomach hurt SO BAD throughout the rest of the day shopping and by the time we hit home I was miserable.

So I took out the belt and tired it on. Boy talk about a lot of straps and velcro. It looks really funny but you know what... IT WORKS!!!! Ever since I strapped it on myself my tummy pain is completely gone! Plus my pelvic pain is at a minimum!! YAY!!! Relief at LAST!

Though it isn't the most comfortable thing to wear I can definately tolerate it more than the pain. I am so relieved... I just hope it continues to work throughout my pregnancy! Wish me luck!

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