Friday, May 14, 2010

Big Papa v. Hot Mama

Haha the title isn't what you think. I am talking about... PICKLES!!!! Yum! Yum!! Ever since I was little I have LOVED pickles... especially the big fat juicy ones you buy at carnivals or fairs.

Well the only grocery store I know that carries the big pickles is Vons! We stopped shopping there about 2 years ago when they opened up WinCo by our house. Well for my Mother's Day gift, Adrian and Mia made a special trip to Vons to pick of those specialty snacks you just can't get at WinCo. One of them being a "Hot Mama" pickle!!

I have never eaten a spicy pickle before and Adrian bought it for me because he knew I liked pickles and he liked the name. He didn't know it was spicy until I took my first bite. WHOA MAMA! It was HOT!!! but ooooooooooooh so gooooooooood!!! I literally sweated it out eating that massive thing but it was awesome. Ever since then its kicked off a mad pregnancy craving. Its all I think about!!! It finally got the better of me today...

I just couldn't stop thinking about the Hot Mama and Big Papa (the big papa is the non-hot pickle) so after I put Mia to bed I ran off to the store to buy some. Adrian was working from home so he was watching over Mia for me. I came back from the store with 2 Big Papas and 1 Hot Mama!!!

The dilemma now is ... which one to eat first?!?!?!

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