Monday, May 3, 2010

Flutters graduate to Kicks!!!

It is official! I am completely sure that Pumpkin's little flutters have finally graduated to full on kicks. I have noticed this change for a few days now but tonight seals the deal. I had one hard kick earlier in the evening and just a little while ago I felt the familiar feeling of kicking. They are pretty strong for only being 16 weeks but still not strong enough to be felt on the outside yet. I started to feel Mia's flutters at 17 weeks and this baby's flutters started even before I hit 10 weeks! so I am not too surprised that I am feeling full on kicks already! Its so exciting!!

Another thing I wanted to mention was this cute little story. All of a sudden I got a "gummy" craving and I just HAD to have some gummies. The only gummies we have in the house are Mia's little toddler gummies (that we only give her for extreme rewards for being good) I kind of felt guilty for raiding her "good girl" stash but I needed gummies BAD!!!!! So I gave into my craving and ripped open not 1 but 2 packs of Mia's gummies and scarf'd them down to kill the craving. Sure enough as soon as I was done with my second package my craving went away. Then seconds later Pumpkin starting kicking as to thank me! awwww!! TOO CUTE!!!!

I am so happy right now!

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