Today was another exciting day for the Cardoso Clan. Pumpkin had another appointment today so off to Wildomar we went.
I was alittle nervous about how Mia would react to this appointment. She did so well the last time and I was hoping for a repeat of that. So to increase our chances of having a "Good Mia day" I woke her up alittle early this morning just so she could go down for a nap earlier than usual. My plan seemed to work because she woke up from her nap in a pretty good mood. Unfortunately, we had to zoom off to the doctor's appointment soon after she woke up and since we were racing around so much we didn't have time to make her lunch. But I packed some goodies for her and off to the appointment we went.
Once we got there I busted out Mia's favorite snack.. "CHEERIOS!" (she literally says this and raises her arm in the air, or cheerio cup if she is holding it!) We had a wait a bit in the waiting room but luckily "Ants" the movie, was playing so Mia was distracted.
We were finally called back and Adrian and Mia went into the examination room while the nurse took my vitals at the nurses station. She informed me that Kaiser should be calling me any day to schedule my Ultra-Sound appointment!! WHOOHOO! I can't wait for that, then we can finally see what Pumpkin is!
The vitals took awhile only because I had extremely low blood pressure. The nurse took it three times and it still came out very low 96/68. I explained that I naturally have low blood pressure and it just goes even lower when I am pregnant (something I experienced during Mia's pregnancy). Eventually she was done and I was able to rejoin Mia and Adrian in the room.
We all waited for the doctor to come in patiently. Mia was busy chowing down on her "CHEERIOS!!!" and the toy that was in the room. Eventually my doctor came in. She was so happy to see us all there. Mia of course acted shy and wouldn't look at her.
She asked if I had any questions and I mentioned the gas pain issue. She informed me that I could take Mylanta and that should help with the gas issue. She then had had me lay down on the table, Mia quickly became concerned and started saying "Mama!!.. Mama!!" I reassured her I was ok. My tummy was measured and then the Doctor busted out the heart-beat monitor! We got to hear little Pumpkin's strong heart beat. The doctor was very impressed how healthy and strong the heart beat is. She said it was 153 bpm.
When I heard the heart beat I felt so happy. I looked over and Mia and she was looking at us and had a big smile on her face. That moment was so precious and cute to me. She enjoyed hearing her little siblings heart beat!
After that, the doctor informed me that my weight, sugar, and blood pressure were fine and to keep up the good work. Then it was time to go. Mia said "Bye Sister" (her new favorite saying) to the doctor as she left and we all got ready to go. I rewarded Mia for being such a good little girl with a pack of her favorite gummies. She was happy about that.
Overall the appointment went fantastic!!! I am so happy and relieved that this pregnancy is going so well. I can't wait until we find out what the baby is.... soon I will know! EEK!