Today was the best day ever! I got to see our little guy again in an ultra-sound!!!!
I was a bit nervous about the whole exam (as always... I hate doctor visits). Grandpa Pizano came down to help babysit Mia so Adrian could go with me. It has been UNBEARABLY HOT lately... infact today reached 108 in Riverside (where we went for the ultra-sound) YIKES! So it was a tough day getting out there but we finally made it.
It didn't take long before they called us back and to my surprise the ultra-sound room was actually cool for once! I have been in that room so many times I have lost count and every time its boiling hot in there with no ventelation which always makes me sick. Infact after my first ultra-sound with Mia I almost threw up!! I was so happy to see the room was much nicer this time around.
The ultra-sound tech was EXTREMELY nice, which was a GREAT thing. I have been in there many times for both Mia and Alex and had pretty mean ladies. This lady was nice. She chatted with us and was not afraid to answer questions. They measured his tiny arms, legs and head and at the the end she even let me see him! (The screen is always turned away from me so I can't see what they are doing until the very end)
She showed us his face and OMG it looked so clear! I could see our little son there sleeping like an angel!!! I could see his nose, eyes, mouth, chin EVERYTHING! I was in AWE! This was the latest Ultra-sound I have ever received (The last Mia ultra sound was at 28 weeks, I am almost 33) It was amazing. I couldn't help but stare. She then showed us his spine and tummy and even double checked for us that he is indeed a boy and yep there is no doubt about it. He was even smashing his "boy" parts with his foot! haha
After the scan was done she gave us some great little pictures and we were off on our way. It was so great, I walked out of there on cloud nine!!! and so happy to have had the chance to see our little guy again.
Oh and I almost forgot to mention, EVERYTHING checked out great. He is not small (due to my weight loss) and he is not overly big! Infact he is alittle above average but nothing to be concerned about. I am almost 33 weeks and he measured the size of 34! Not bad, I hope he continues to grow at that pace.
Overall the visit was great!!!!! The count down begins... only alittle over a month left then I can see and hold my little guy! I can't wait!
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