Sunday, August 29, 2010

33 Weeks

33 weeks pregnant

Hello!!!! Wow what a week! It was filled with lots of good news and PAIN! haha Not only did we get the C-Section date we have been wanting since prior to his conception (10-10-10) but we got to see him in an ultra-sound too!!! He is doing GREAT! Growing normally, though a tad on the above average size but not "big" and definately not "small"! It was such an awesome treat to see our little man hanging out, I can't wait to hold him and cuddle him!

As for the pain, man I don't know what it is but ever since I hit around 8 months I have been getting these horrible cramps on my side! (Either side, but mostly my right) and when I say cramp I mean, buckle down, crying, can't move type PAIN! The pain ranks right up there with my top 3 pains of all time!! (#1 being - gall bladder attacks, #2 - labor, and this pain is #3) and I have been in my share of pain, I have had a total of 3 surgeries, pulled my hamstring a couple of times, and popped my knee out of joint! So ya its pretty bad. At first I didn't know what to do or what was going on, I almost had to go into the ER! It lasted hours and hours! I even had to call Adrian to come home from work! However, as soon as the baby shifted it magically disappeared which leads me to believe the doc when he said Alex is just sitting on a sensitive nerve. Ugh! Mia never did that, however, she did give me some massive pelvic pain which I still haven't really experienced too much this time around (THANK GOODNESS)! Well the pain episodes are sparatic and I never know when they will hit, I have had 3 more since that first day but now I know if I keep at it and try to get him to move by changing positions (as painful as it is) and don't allow him to sleep in that "bad spot" then he will shift faster and I will get some relief. It still takes about an hour-hour and a half before it happens though.

CRAVINGS: I actually got a craving that I could induldge in! YAY!!! Sounds gross though because I usually HATE the stuff, but I was craving boloney so bad!!!! Once I bought some I almost went through the whole package!! haha Veggies are still really good and I can't get enough of them! and chicken!

SICKNESS/TIREDNESS: What is sleep?!?! I don't know! I can't get comfy at night and my sleep is so interrupted and minimal. I can't seem to crawl into bed any earlier than 1am and I still get up at 6 its awful. So I am a walking zombie all the time which isn't fun. Alex goes NUTS all the time and shakes the bed and my belly constantly and even Adrian wakes up from him. This kid is so full on energy... man I have my work cut out for me!

NEW SYMPTOMS: The weight is still going down and I actually hit the low 180 for the first time EVER in YEARS! Even when I was not pregnant and working out I couldn't get down that low before... even when I was sick and not eating! Pretty crazy huh?! I am really curious to see how much I will weigh after the baby is here considering I am almost 5 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight AND the average pregnancy makes you gain about 15-20 pounds (if not more).

The stomach cramps I talked about earlier is another new thing and so are my braxton hicks. Now I have been having braxton hicks for awhile but not like its been. I literally have tons of them all the time, I think it has to do with the need for more water. As soon as I drink more water they calm down. However, the other day I started to get concerned when I lost count of them and they were happening almost ever 10-15 mins! Again, once I drank water they calmed down and rarely happened again.

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