Thursday, July 8, 2010

The news I DIDN'T want to hear

Well as you know I took my glucose tolerance test yesterday. I was hoping to score low so I wouldn't have to take that dreaded 3 hour fasting one. I even cut out all sweets for two days prior to the test and for me that is hard since juice is the only thing I can really drink since water makes me queasy.

Well all my efforts were in vain, I still scored high. UGH! I was lower than I was with Mia (172) but I scored a 160. You are supposed to be 130 or lower. So it doesn't mean I have gestational diabetes but it does mean I have to take the horrible 3 hour test that was just HORRID for me the last time I had to take it.

Ah well, what ever is best for the baby as I always say....

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