Sunday, July 25, 2010

I have gestational diabetes

Sorry for not writing in a while. I know, I should have but I have been extremely busy not to mention depressed lately with the outcome of my 3 hour glucose testing. As you can tell from the title of this blog, the results were not good.

Once I found out that I had it my whole world seemed to stop. Not only am I worried about my baby but myself as well. There are so many risk factors involved with having this condition and it just takes a few careless mistakes to increase that risk. Luckily, for most women, the condition clears up after birth but for some, it sticks around or worse yet, leads to type 2 within 8 years. Scary thought. Not to mention the increased risk of having a HUGE baby! Ugh....

I have a 2 hour meeting to go to on Wednesday so they can teach me about diet changes and how to use my new blood sugar monitor. I never thought I would be doing this. I thought for sure that I would be negative like Mia. I guess I should take note because they said there is a BIG chance that I will get this same condition with all future pregnancies. This leads me to believe more and more that this little guy is the last....

Well the diet stuff is going "ok". I have researched online and the nurse gave me some ideas but its hard to stick by. I am still trying to figure out, what, how much, and when to eat. Once I get a groove though I think it will get easier.

Well Mia is awake now I need to go get her, I just wanted to write something about it. I am sure I will write more. I am still pretty bummed about it ....

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