Sunday, March 28, 2010

11 Weeks

Another week done, another week closer to my second Trimester!!!! I can't wait to hit that so I can finally start turning the corner on this tiredness and sickness.

This week was another battle, however, I had LOTS of help from my Dad. He spent the week with us helping out with Mia and whatever else he could do. He always made sure I had a variety of food around at all times which helped so much.

I finally gave in and took my medicine but unfortunately it didn't quit help the way I was hoping for. So I tried some other remedies such as Preggie Pops and Sea-Bands. Those semi-helped but I still got massively sick.

On the bright side to all of this, the last few days have been pretty mild!!!! Thats HUGE! and it gives me hope that I am getting closer to the end of this horribly sickness. I hope so! I really want to start enjoying my pregnancy!

Steak and Lemons!!!! Thats the theme of this pregnancy for sure!! I need a piece of Carne Asada at least once a day, if I don't get my meat I start feeling antsy and the craving gets out of hand. Luckily Carne Asada has been readily available in my house lately! haha Lemons are the other thing. I can only stomach to drink lemonade and I love anything with a lemon flavor. Its funny how Mia was orange and this one is lemons!

Yep both are still here. I get extremely tired very easily. The sickness has finally shown signs of getting somewhat better. Though the queasiness is ALWAYS there the severity has lessened dramatically. It still roller coasters but not as drastically unless I don't eat fast enough and get hungry. Thats the number one thing I need to avoid... the feeling of hunger. By the time I "feel hungry" its too late.

I still feel ligament pain here and there and have had some pretty sharp pains from getting up to fast, but other than that, no real "new symptoms". I have also been getting headaches more frequently. I am also showing more and more each week!! EEK!

I haven't weighed myself this week other than in the doctor's office and there I lost 2 lbs. I have been able to eat a bit more lately so I wonder if I am finally gaining?

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