Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The sickness is getting unbearable now

I am a very patient person when it comes to certain things. I am also a very dedicated Mother who refuses to take the "easy" way of doing things when its regarding my kids. I always make sure that my daughter (Mia) has the best of everything and anything I provide her. Especially meals. I am so dedicated in making sure she has such a proper diet that even to this day she refuses chocolate, cookies, pizza, french fries and other sweats. No matter how tired I am, I am always there for her to make sure shes clean, happy and well taken care of.

The same methodology goes for my unborn child. Even with Mia's pregnancy I hardly ever took tylonal unless I really needed to. I always ate right and did the right things to make sure she had the best chance at life. I am the exact same way with this one... however... this pregnancy is proving to be much more challenging than Mia!! Ya, I know, I thought that was impossible too!!!

Mia's pregnancy was no walk in the park, especially in the beginning. I was bed ridden due to morning/noon/night sickness and was only limited to eating dry Cheerios, Oranges, and Ginger Ale. I actually lost 5lbs the first trimester because of this. Going into this pregnancy I thought I knew my stuff and what to/not to do. I was wrong!!! When people say that every pregnancy is different they aren't kidding. This pregnancy has me on the ropes and is not showing any signs of letting up. It is literally kicking my butt BAD! I cannot eat ANYTHING without getting overwhelmingly queasy let alone drink anything. I am becoming desperate, I am losing options. Everything I did with Mia is not working this time around AT ALL! and whats worse is I am becoming less and less functional as a Mama and taking care of Mia. All I can do is sit/lay still on the couch for as long as I can to calm my stomach and as soon as I stand up and walk around BAM I am horribly sick. The bad thing is, I cannot sit around all day I have to take care of Mia. She needs me... so I do the best as I can but its getting harder and hard. I don't know what I am going to do.

The doctor offered me some medicine to help with the sickness the last visit I had. I turned him down for the reasons mentioned above (not liking to take any medicines while I am pregnant and just toughing it out for the betterment of my unborn child). Well I am getting to the point where I might have to bend the rules alittle just to get me through the day. I really don't wan to but I can't keep going on like this, its pure torture!!!

Sigh.... hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me soon... I so need it .. BAD

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