The day finally came!!!!! Today was the BIG day for us... we were about to see our little pumpkin for the first time!
My Dad came into town yesterday so he could be here today to watch Mia for us while we went to the doctors. I was seriously stressing out and so nervous about the appointment. I knew the vibes I was sending out would not be good for Mia to be around, plus if heaven forbid something was wrong I didn't want Mia around us for that either. So she had fun with her Grandpa while her Daddy and I went to our appointment.
As soon as we pulled up to the Wildomar Medical Offices I instantly got flash backs of both Mia's pregnancy and Angel's miscarriage. I had mixed feelings. I was feeling horribly sick (from being pregnant) so that didn't help things either. We checked in and waited in the usual waiting room. I could not sit still. I was so nervous I felt like I couldn't breathe. I slowly paced the room and when I finally calmed myself down enough to sit down, I had to have Adrian hold me.
Eventually my name was called and I was taken to the nurses station to take my vitals. The nurse quickly recognized me from the numerous time I was in there during Mia's pregnancy. She quickly said "Yay your back!!!" and asked about Mia. I updated her on Mia and how I was feeling. I also told her about our miscarriage this past Sept. and how nervous I was feeling. She reassured me everything should be ok especially since I am so sick. She said that was a VERY good sign. She took my vitals and off to the examination room we went (Adrian too). She set up the computer for the doctor then told me to get undressed and wait for the doctor to see me. I was soooo nervous and soooo excited! This was the moment I have been waiting for! I sat there chatting with Adrian nervously until the doctor came in.
He was a younger doctor (much younger than the older man I had for Mia's pregnancy) and EXTREMELY nice. He asked all about my medical and pregnancy history and informed me I still have a choice to have this baby natural! I told him I am probably opting for a C-Section anyway (I am sooooooo not wanting to go through labor again haha) and he said I could get it scheduled a week before my due date. Cool! He asked a few more questions and I told him how sick I was getting. He said it was a very good thing to be sick since it meant my pregnancy hormones are fully in effect. He offered some medicine to help with the sickness but I refused. I told him I am very strict about what I take while pregnant. I don't drink caffeine, I don't take meds, and I keep my body as pure as possible for the baby's sake. He commended me for that. Then came the big event... ultra-sound time.
I sat back on the table as he raised it and got the machine ready. My heart began to race. Adrian came over and held my hand. Since I am still early on he had to do the "internal" ultra-sound which is never any fun. Adrian and I anxiously watched the monitor for any signs of our little precious pumpkin. Sure enough... the picture became clear and there we saw our little angel sleeping there peacefully! I asked the doctor if they looked ok? He said the baby looked perfect and was very cooperative! The baby was laying still while the doctor took all of his measurements and after we got a very special treat! We got to hear the baby's heartbeat!!! YES! I KNOW!! We didn't even get to hear Mia's heartbeat that soon and I was 8 week with her! As soon as we heard that angelic noise, I almost broke down in tears! I was so extremely relieved and happy! My baby is ok and healthy!!! Our prayers have been answered.
We sat there listening to the little fluttering 150+ bpm heartbeat! Then the doctor took my measurements. He calculated the due date as Oct. 17th and he said that if I do decide to have a C-Section I CAN possibly get my 10-10-10 baby! YAY! I then asked to make sure there was "only one baby". He said he didn't see anymore and doubled checked. Nope... YAY!!! But as he double checked he noticed something. He said I have a large amount of "old blood" near the baby. He couldn't tell if it was actually a blood vessel or just a clump of old blood. He said this could be the cause of the discoloration I experienced a week ago, and any future bleeding. He said not to concerned if I see any blood as long as its "old". He also said no more "funny business" for at least another month (which I have NO problem with since I am so sick haha) Other than all that, the blood doesn't seem to be too concerning.
After he did all he needed, he gave us a copy of the ultra-sound picture, asked if we had any more questions and ended our visit. He left the image still on the machine so Adrian and I got to really enjoy the moment a bit more. I took a picture next to the machine with little pumpkin's picture on it. It was lots of fun. It felt so surreal! WOW! This is really going to happen!
We both were on cloud nine! I was so excited and so happy and relieved. After setting up my next appointment (10 week mark) we said our goodbyes to the nurses and off to home we went. I quickly called my Dad and shared the great news. Once we got home the phone calls started up. I called my Mom, then my brother, then Sister in law. After that, I called up my Grandpa Pizano and shared the good news about the pregnancy with him. He was so happy and excited and cheered for us.
Adrian then scanned the ultra-sound and I posted the Pregnancy Announcement on Facebook for all the family to know. It was awesome to finally get the news out! YAY!!!!!!! Right away I had TONS of well wishes and congrats from tons of friends and family!
I am so happy right now. Pumpkin is doing great and so is Mama!!!! I couldn't be happier. I framed the little ultra-sound picture and showed Mia. She got to see her little sibling for the first time and it was priceless. She carried that little frame all around the house with her.
YAY!!! Such wonderful news! I feel so blessed, so happy and just EXCITED!!!! EEEEK!!!!
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