Sunday, March 7, 2010

8 Weeks

Well I am officially at my 8 week mark! Wow! This week has definitely been a very BIG week for all of us. I not only hit my very own personal milestone of carrying this baby longer than my previous pregnancy, but we also went to our first doctor's visit!!!! That was pretty exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. Thank God the baby is doing great and everything should be ok. We even got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! That was truly magical! The only thing I need to watch out for is spotting, though they said to expect some since there is some old blood near the baby... not to get too worried unless I see red fresh blood. Of course I worry anyways and everyday I am check check checking, so far so good. However, I am feeling alot of pains and discomfort again. It seemed to be have been triggered by the doctor's visit/exam but it still hasn't gone away. Today for the first time in a couple of weeks some cervical pains again... sigh.... So of course my worries are heightened yet again, but I am doing my best not to let it get to me. Hopefully everything is ok.

My Dad also came down for a visit this week for a few days. That was awesome, I always love it when my Dad comes for a visit. Mia just goes completely nuts when hes here its too funny. He helped me so much and took full charge of Mia so I could rest and address my sickness (which is horrible lately!!!) He also rescued my craving! He brought me down 3 of my favorite burritos from a small little mexican place that I was craving BAD!!!

The other huge thing that happened since I last posted is, we finally got to tell friends and family! YAY! My pregnancy is no longer a secret and it feels great!

Every week its to get harder and hard to find things I can tolerate eating. I no longer crave meat or beans. I did find out that I can not tolerate any fried foods (I found this our the hard way after eating at Red Robin) so I can add that to my long list of "Definately cannot have" which includes sweets and chocolate. I cannot stand chicken and most juices and water get me sick. I also can no longer tolerate Orange Juice it just makes me so sick. Oranges and grapefruits also get me sick. This is a very weird pregnancy I don't know what the heck I can eat!!! The only thing that has been staying down ok is salads and veggies... so I think I will stick to them for awhile

Tiredness is something that hasn't been to bad. Though I cannot sleep to well at night due to night terrors and using the bathroom alot, as long as I can get in a good afternoon nap I am fine. The sickness is AWFUL!!!! and what makes things worse is I cannot find a good medium of what I can eat. This makes it even worse! I am sick all the time, thankfully though I do get some reprieve at night. I am only horribly sick in the morning, afternoon, and late afternoon by 4pm it starts to slowly subside and by the night time I am usually ok unless I eat something that upsets me. So I look forward to night time, but it kind of stinks that I am so sick the whole entire time Mia is awake. Not good...

LOTS of pressure in my lower stomach. Almost as if I held my pee in to long and then went. Its very uncomfortable. I also get slight pains in my stomach and it aches alot. I don't remember going though this with Mia but I am not bleeding so I think I will be ok.

Ugh... no comment

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