Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Angela Pizano-Cardoso SURPRISE!!!!!! WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!! =) I am 7 weeks/4 days. Just came back from our first dr. visit and everything checks out A-OK. We even got to hear our pumpkin's little heartbeat!!!!! We are on cloud nine!! Can't wait to meet our newest little family member 10-10-10!!! =)

Sonia Guzman Amezcua, Cynthia Reyes, Kali Prater and 5 others like this.

Sara P. Alcala
I am SOOOO happy for you!!

Kristen Martinez
Yah! Congratulations!!!

Genevieve Guarnes
Congratulations! :D

Claudia M Gallardo-Licea

Jen Ouellet-Ramirez
So happy for u!!! ;)

Jim Vo

Connie Contreras-Perez
Congrats, mija!!!

Iliana Soraya Parra

Mona Anderson
Yay! Congratulations to you and your family!!

Melissa Williams Rodriguez
Congrats!!!! How exciting!!! :)

Lauren Pizano
yippie!!!!!! i'm soooo excited to meet my new niece or nephew!!!!!!! happy i can now say something on here lol lol lol ;) very happy for you and adrian love ya both and my little mia too :)

Monica Flores Hull
I am soooooooooooooo happy for you!!!!! Congrats!!!!! Such a blessing......

Amanda Marie Smolin
Yay! Congrats!

Kali Prater

Janay Smolin
Congrats!!!!! Just know it gets harder when you multiply! LOL!!

Donna Arnold
congrats baby

Cynthia Reyes
Congratulations to you both! Yay!

Julie Erin Blue
Congrats my dear!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Kote Melendez
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!

Veronica Godinez
Congrats I'm so happy for you and your family.

Kim Holbrook
whoo hoo.. so glad everything went well =) Very very very happy for you guys.

Yvonne Garnica
Congratulation Sweetie! Another Beautiful child, I'm so happy for you! God Bless.

Alicia McFarland

Tiffany Brant Gomez
OMG, Im so happy for you guys! The family just continues to grow, grow, grow :)

Caryn Pena Sanchez
Congrats HUN!!!

Irma Gomez

Daniel Cardoso
great job!

Mary Ann Rivera
i'm so very happy for all of you, God Bless and see you real soon!

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