Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sea-bands and Preggie Pops!!!!

This sickness is so awful. I am desperate to try anything and everything to try to combat it. I cannot find a good food combination yet and the medication the doctor gave me doesn't seem to work. So whats next to try?!!? Sea-bands!!!

I really don't think this will help but like I mention before I am DESPERATE! I read about them before and though some swear by it I am still pretty skeptical. I decided to give them a chance anyways, so I picked up a pair at the Kaiser Pharmacy after our doctor's visit. I haven't tried them on yet but I think I will put them on after this blog. They are two tiny black bands that have a white dot thing on them. They go around you wrist and the white part supposed to press on a pressure point that is supposed to help with sickness... sea sickness, pregnancy, etc. We will see what happens ... who knows I might start a new fashion trend! haha

Another thing I have been curious to try is something called "Preggie Pops". I came across these while I was pregnant with Mia but never tried them. Ever since the sickness set in with this pregnancy, I have been reaching out to alot of family and friends for advice and help. Some say to try these Preggie Pops. So after our doctor's appointment for the baby today, Adrian and I zoomed off to Babies R Us to pick some up. They have two types, one in sucker form and the other in candy drop form. Each type have different flavors so I decided to buy both types.

While we were in the car I busted one out... I thought it was a Ginger one but it turned out to be a Spearmint one! It was sooooooooo good!!!!! I LOVE MINT! So I happily ate my lollipop and it seemed to calm my tummy down for a bit. I was happy until I finished the pop. Then the sickness really came back.... however, it could have just been because I was hungry too! So I am not sure if the Preggie Pop made me sick or if it was just bad timing. Either way I am eager to try another!

So I am still on the search for remedies... next stop? Trader Joes or Henry's for some Ginger candy. I have a good friend that swears by it, maybe it will help me too?? Either way I hope to start feeling better soon

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