Sunday, March 14, 2010

9 Weeks

Happy Sunday everyone! Well this week has been yet another HUGE GI-NORMOUS challenge for me sickness wise. It got so bad at one point I finally contacted my doctor so he could prescribe me the medicine I previously turned down. (I haven't filled it yet). The very next day after I actually felt better! Not 100% but not dying like I normally feel. The morning was pretty decent.. mid day I got sick and night I was ok. The following day after that was the same! I was so happy, however, the celebration was cut short since the day after that I was hit the hardest I ever had been (in the morning). The rest of the day evened out and today pretty much has been off and on... but pretty bad. Sigh... hopefully things will get better soon. I am able to eat more things now (if I am feeling ok) even a chedder cheese jalapeno bread (YUM!). I still cannot eat sweets or drink sweet things so just crystal lite with some water for me.

Nothing new.... the meat craving has dwindled to practically nothing at all. I do still LOVE bean and cheese burritos

I am starting to really feel tired... not sure if its because of the pregnancy itself or the lack of sleep am getting but I am finding myself taking 2-3 naps per day!!!! As for the sickness it hit an all time high earlier in the week but is slightly showing signs of easing up. Very little signs but they are there and that gives me hope

I am breaking out alot... alot more than with Mia's pregnancy. I am also starting to feel my uterus and see a tiny little buldge. It was a shock to me when I first noticed it this morning... it is there! wow could I actually be showing this early on?!?!?!?!

I haven't weighed myself since the last time which I was 182... not sure what it is now

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