Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This is down right NUTS!!! I am sooo sick all the time. I know I was very sick with Mia but I really don't remember being this bad with eating. At least with Mia I could stomach oranges and dry Cheerios. With this baby I can't stomach ANYTHING!!!! Even oranges and OJ make be sick. I am hyper sensitive to sweets so I can't even drink juice and I can't stomach water so finding a source of liquids have been my biggest challenge. So far OJ kind of helps but still makes me sick but not as sick as lets say apple juice, ginger ale and sprite make me. I use those little "crystal lite" packets and mix it with my water and that will settle "alright". Its just insane!!! Everything makes me sick, eating makes me sick, not eating makes me sick, in between eating makes me sick. I am always sick, Sick, SICK!!! When will the maddess stop!?!? I need to find my nitch but I can't seem to find it. Even soups make me sick (I've made a couple of my famous homemade soups and its just makes me sick). I don't know what to do... I know I need to eat for the baby but its so hard! Ugh.. I feel so horrible ALL the time!!

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