Sunday, March 21, 2010

10 Weeks

Another week down! Each week is getting harder and harder with the sickness. Ugh! will it ever get better?! Mia and I spent the week up in Oxnard. While we were up there I only had 1 good low sickness day. The rest of the time was spent on the couch horribly sick. I tried all kinds of different things to eat and it almost always made me sick. If it didn't make me sick the first time I ate it, it would make me sick the second time. So ya its been pretty trying for me lately. I have finally given into the thought of taking the medicine my doctor prescribed. I am actually going to have Adrian pick it up for me today at the pharmacy. We will see how it goes. Other than the sickness I have been doing ok. Still getting cramps, pressure, and stabby pains (especially at night) but no spotting or discharge so thats good.

I am eager for the day I finally start to feel better and feel the tiny little baby flutters in my tummy. Sometimes I think I feel them but I know its too early to tell right now. I think I need to wait another month or so. I started to feel Mia at 17 weeks and they say that with the second one you feel them sooner... some as soon as 14 weeks!

Well I am feeling queasy so thats about it, I am going to finish this up and go lay back down.


Carne Asada!!!! I love carne asada soft tacos!!! Beans are still very good as well. I haven't had any real craving lately since everything I eat makes me sick. Oh wait I almost forgot... JICAMA! OMG that is my only saving grace and the ONLY food I can eat consistantly that does not make me sick or queasy. It also hydrates me alittle. I always have some jicama next to my bed at night and munch on it throughout the night time. Its my savior, however, it does not keep me full... but it does kill the hunger. My Dad teases me all the time about me and my "root" haha

UGH!!! Its still pretty bad... sickness wise. I have only had 1 good day this whole week! Thank goodness my Dad has been helping me so much. He watched Mia everyday while we were in Oxnard and he is spending a week here at our house so I can get some rest. I am still very tired but I can't tell if its from pregnancy or the lack of eating... sigh Drinking has also proven to be a challenge even worse than before. I was finally able to tolerate the crystal lite drinks but now that has changed and even those are making me sick. Now I am just down to the minute maid from Carl's Jr.!!!

I haven't really had any "new" symptoms. Everything has been pretty much the same. My face is still breaking out, my bras are fitting tighter, and I can definately see a tiny belly showing. Oh and I am starting to feel the ligament pain again. Very slightly compared to Mia's pregnancy, however, it is starting early! That scares me a bit. I didn't start getting ligament pain until about the 8 month with Mia.. I am only 2 months and already feeling uncomfortable and pain. Uh-oh! I sneezed the other day and I buckled over in pain due to the ligament pain... this is NOT going to be an easy pregnancy I can tell already!

Well I did weigh myself yesterday and I am still losing weight. Slowly but its going down. I am now at 181, yet my tummy is growing! haha

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