Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I took my Medicine for the First Time

Yesterday was another hard sickness day for me. Nothing was helping so I finally gave in and took my medicine. The medicine my doctor prescribed me is called "Regland". Though the medicine is not made for "morning sickness" it can be taken by pregnant women for that symptom. The medicine does not cross the placenta so it is pretty safe for little pumpkin, however, is has some pretty horrible side effects for me! Some possible side effects can cause perminate nerve damage! Good Grief!!! So needless to say I was a bit nervous taking it.

So when the sickness became pretty unbearable I finally gave in and took it. I did feel alittle better, sickness wise, afterwards however I became really tired and dizzy. I even had to take another nap (my 3rd one for the day). The rest of the night I was still pretty woozy and sure enough the sickness returned anyways.

Sigh.... so not sure if I will keep taking the medicine, I am still in search for new alternatives. Hopefully either I will feel better soon, or I can finally find a combination of things that will work for me. Ugh....

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