Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So Frustrated!!

For anyone how knows me personally, know I am not one to complain, ask for help or seek attention. Infact I CAN'T STAND people who do that, it drives me completely insane!!!! I rarely let people truly know how I feel and I always put my feelings aside in order to help others, especially my loved ones. I have been through alot in my life already, especially physically. I am not even 30 yet and I have had 4 surgeries (3 of them serious), a baby and a miscarriage and stomach issues that date back to when I was a teen. Through out everything, no matter the pain, I have never complained as much as I probably could have. I bare alot in silence and try to downplay as much as I can with a chuckle and a smile. I feel uncomfortable around help so I rarely ask for any.

Why am I ranting on about this? What is the point you ask? Well here it is. I AM VERY SICK! Yes! I am going to flat out and say it, and tell it how it is... this pregnancy is making me unbearably sick and for the first time I am slowly opening up and letting people know and see how truly sick I am feeling. However, I am getting a mixed reaction from certain people that just makes me mad! Just because I am not throwing up every two seconds my sickness is downplayed!?!!?!! How is that even fair!!! So you are telling me I need to vomit all the time in order to be classified as truly sick?!?! It is not my fault that I hate vomiting so much that I rather try to fight through it than just give in and let it happen. Its all mental I know, and its something I have had an issue with since I was 5! So yes, I haven't been vomiting but it doesn't mean that I am any less sick that a person who freely does it?!

I am not complaining, all I am asking for is alittle understanding. Maybe if I just let myself puke my guts out like my body is always urging me to do, get dehydrated since I will loose what little fluids that are in my body since I cannot drink or eat anything, get hospitalize or worse yet lose this baby too.. only then will certain people finally realize how sick I really am?!?!

So frustrating!!!!!!!!!!

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