Friday, April 2, 2010

Ugh.. it finally happened

Well it finally happened... the unavoidable. I just KNEW I couldn't get through this pregnancy without it happening at least once. So ya, I finally threw up today. It wasn't any ordinary thing either it was a full on DISASTER!!! so awful I am hesitant to write about it! haha But for sake of prosperity I must write... the good.. the bad.. and the ugly!!!

It all happened so suddenly and unexpectedly. Seriously, it came out of no where. I woke up this morning feeling fine. Not even nausious like I normally am. I went downstairs, messed with the computer a bit then went upstairs to greet Mia. We played in her room a bit, I changed her diaper then got her ready to go downstairs. I held her hand as we walked down the steps together. I was feeling pretty good, not sick at all and having high hopes on how the day would go. We got to the bottom of the stairs and I asked Mia (like I always do every morning) "Want some Milk?!" Of course she runs to the kitchen and I am following right behind her. Then I passed by the pantry and got a wiff of something stinky!!! O-M-G! (Adrian had just thrown away a loaf of moldy bread the day before but I think the smell lingered)

I stopped in my tracks. I could already feel the gag reflex trying to kick in. I tried to ignore it. I walked to the fridge and opened the door to grab Mia's milk and milk cup. Suddenly the urge to gag became over powering! I had to eat or drink something fast!!! (An empty stomach while pregnant is just asking for trouble). The first thing I could grab was some Orange Juice. I wasted no time and drank some right out of the jug. Poor Mia was waiting there patiently for her milk. Of course that didn't settle my stomach AT ALL! and just made things WORSE! (Remember the only thing I can tolerate to drink at the moment is lemonade for some reason) I gagged, but managed to keep my composure. "I can beat this!" I thought to myself. "I have done it so many times before... just ignore it just ignore it". Well there was no ignoring the fact that I was losing the battle and fast!!! I managed to pour Mia some milk in her cup and just as I handed it to her I started to gag HARD and I knew right then I needed to get to the bathroom ASAP because this was not going to stop. I didn't even put the Milk back in the fridge, infact Mia had to close the fridge door for me as I literally ran to the bathroom.

Every second counted, by the time I turned the corner to the bathroom I was almost throwing up right there. I managed to make it into the bathroom, turn on the lights but no time to lift the lid and just started heaving right there. It was so violent and so horrible. The bathroom door was still open and dispite all that was happening I was worried Mia would come to the bathroom and see me and get scared OR end up getting into stuff she shouldn't be in the bathroom just because I was unable to tend to her. So in between getting sick I managed to slam the door. Poor Mia just happened to be turning the corner when I did and she got upset I locked her out of the bathroom. (I usually always let her in with me for potty training purposes). She started crying outside of the door and I was getting uncontrollably sick in the bathroom. I could not stop! No matter how hard I tried. I was getting sick so violently that I actually urinated on myself! I am not exaggerating on how bad it was. It was that bad and that hard! Then panic started to set in! What if I can't stop! How am I going to get Adrian's help if I can't leave the bathroom and poor Mia is out in the livingroom crying and by herself!?!?!

Finally I managed to gather all my inner strength and managed to stop. Mia had stopped crying and I think it was because after hearing all the chaos coming from the bathroom she no longer wanted to come in! haha I caught my breath, composed myself as best as I could and staggered to the door.

When I opened the door I was greeted with the saddest sight I have ever seen. Mia was standing there right in front of the door, milk cup in one hand, arm stretched out with the other, her mouth was wide open and her eyes were bugged out!!! She was so scared!!! Poor baby!!!! Unfortunately, I wasn't sure how long my vomit break would last and I HAD to get upstairs to wake up Adrian and have him take care of Mia for me. So I couldn't comfort her. I just lightly rubbed her head and said "Its ok baby" and I went upstairs a literal mess!

I woke up Adrian and he quickly sprung into action and took care of Mia. I cleaned up, changed my clothes and rested upstairs until my stomach calmed down. Eventually I felt well enough to join Mia and Adrian downstairs. I ate some crackers and drank some lemonade and soon the feeling of getting sick was replaced with just feeling queasy (which I always feel anyway). I later relieved Adrian and he went back to bed and Mia and I restarted our day.

The rest of the day was ok. I was little queasy but nothing to bad. I didn't throw up again but I am really sore and my throat hurts a TON!

So whats the lesson here?! I have no idea! maybe eat breakfast before I get Mia up?! I was planning on eating with her like I always do but maybe snack before? I dunno it just happened so fast and right out of the blue its hard to take a lesson from it. Sigh... oh well I just hope this is my one and only horror story with this pregnancy. I have a story with throwing up with Mia's pregnancy and now I have this one. Well knowing my luck this isn't the last of this, this baby is already proving to be more of a handful (pregnancy wise) than Mia's so who knows whats in store for me. ACK just wish me luck and pray for me! haha

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