Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pre-Op Appointment

WE HAVE A TMIE SET!!!! WHOOHOO!!! It is official, Little Alex will be here at 11am on 10-10-10. Well not 11 on the dot but sometime that hour. My c-section time was confirmed today at my pre-op appointment. I am so happy.

Unfortunately, due to the scheduling time (3pm) Mia and Adrian could not go with me (it was right in the middle of her naptime). So I drove myself (which is not easy with a huge belly in the way.. I have to put my seat far back haha) in the thunder and lightening and rain! (Ya we are having pretty funky weather here right now).

Once I got to the appointment it wasn't long until they took my back. I was seeing my baby doctor, Dr. Dresbach. He has been so extremely great to me throughout this pregnancy. He is by far one of my favorite doctors next to Rita, my OB. We chatted a bit, I signed the consent form for the c-section and he already wrote the prescription for me for after the delivery so I can pick it up early.

He measured my tummy and said that he is growing great, his heart beat was good (150 bpm), and he was in a good position. All my labs came out great and overall I am doing great. He also informed me of how lucky I was that I was getting my c-section done by the doctor he recommended because he said she was his favorite one out of everyone. I am so relieved to hear that and very happy. He also said that the recovery might be easier this time around, and the pain better since they are going through the same incision area and most of my nerves are already dead there. (I have no feeling in my skin below my belly button and around my c-section scar). So that was more good news.

After chatting a bit more the appointment was done and I checked out. Thats when I found out that my time is at 11am!! How exciting! Its just around the corner now!!!

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