Monday, June 21, 2010

23 Weeks + 1 day

Hello again. Again I am one day late of writing on time, but thats ok I have a really good excuse this week. I AM SICK!! UGH!!! Phew what a rollar coaster of a week and it keeps going!! It all started last Sat. when Mia had an accident in her bed that made me throw up, to Mia having a fever, which peeked at 103!, for 3 days! We got one day reprieve then her and I got sick with a cold!!! Mia is well again, but I am dying!!! It is so HORRIBLE to be sick and not being able to take ANY meds to make me feel better or to curb the symptoms! Not even hot tea is allowed! UGH! I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. I was so blessed and fortunate that I never got sick with Mia, but ah well... this little guy sure gives me a run for my money that is for sure! Hopefully I will be feeling better really soon... I want to be able to breathe again!

Nectarines and Bacon definately dominated this weeks craving list. Poor Adrian bought himself a bag of necterines and I polished them all off single handed!! Well Mia did get 1, but I ate the rest! They were so good, I am still craving their sweet taste!

Bacon was another odd thing. I am normally not a real hardcore bacon eater. I will only eat it once in a great while and never really think to cook it up. Well something snapped in me and I needed bacon BAD!!!! Once Adrian cooked it up for me I was in heaven... even though I was sick and my taste buds were all outta wack it was still delicious! I can't wait to cook up another pack when I am feeling better!

This is too hard to talk about this week since I have been sick with a cold

He is finally kicking really hard, just like Mia used too. He is no longer being gentle and I can feel him wack me pretty hard. He is finally laying vertical which helps sooooo much! When he lays horizontal it hurts alot! He is becoming more active each day but still isn't even as close to Mia's activity level in the tummy.

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