Sunday, June 27, 2010

24 Weeks!

24 weeks pregnant

Hello!!!!! Well this week has been one for the record books!!! I caught the WORSE cold EVER!!! and what made things worse is that I cannot take any medicine for it!!! So I had to ride most of it out which was NOT easy! Talk about torture! Luckily, I am doing much better now. I still have a runny nose but it is so much better.

The baby did great during the cold. He was as happy as a clam while his Mama suffered. He kicked and rolled, hiccuped and punched me like crazy! I didn't mind though, knowing he was doing good put my mind at ease alot.

Well I was on a HUGE and I mean HUUUUGE bacon binge for a while. I couldn't get enough of it, and I didn't care that I could hardly taste anything because of my cold. I needed more and MORE! It wasn't until I finally got a stomach ache did the craving finally stop. So now I am back on nectarines!

Ugh.... I have/had a cold so that overpowered anything else

Ear stuffiness!! UGH!! Its been driving me INSANE! At first I thought it was just the cold I had but turns out its pretty common in pregnancy. I constantly feel like someone has their hands over my ears and I can't hear! I am always asking "What?! huh?" I can't hear! It feels like pressure is in my head, like if I was in an airplane but can't pop my hears! Its awful! I am hoping once this cold is completely gone it will help... but that is a long shot. I never had this with Mia!

He is sitting lower and lower. I am constantly running to the bathroom to pee because he either sits on my bladder or kicks it like crazy!!! I carried Mia a whole lot higher and she only kicked my bladder when she got really big towards the end. This kid LIVES on my bladder and never provides me relieve! I will not even tell you how many times I peed myself just front sneezing or coughing!

He is starting to really kick hard and I mean HARD! He is definately giving Mia's kicks competition and thats saying alot! Now picture that hard kick right on your bladder or kidneys ... ya not fun! haha

Hes been becoming alot more active now. He certainly has his awake times and sleep times. He is becoming awake alot longer now and is starting to respond to noises.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worst Cold EVER!

I rarely catch colds. My whole life I have been pretty healthy when it comes to catching colds... ask my parents! The last two colds I caught were directly from Mia! It doesn't help when you are singing to your little one and she sneezes right in you face!!!

Well there are always exceptions to the rule. I feel so extremely fortunate that I didn't catch anything while pregnant with Mia, however, this little guy's pregnancy seems to be putting me to the test on EVERYTHING!!!!!!! and yes I did finally catch a cold while pregnant.

Normally colds, though very uncomfortable, are pretty manageable as long as you get plenty of rest and take your medicines. Well unfortunately, I couldn't have either so what happened?!? My cold turned into a massive horrible awful monster that just wouldn't let up.

I first felt signs of it early last week around Monday and it hit by Friday and hit hard!!! It is now Wednesday and I still can't breathe out of both sides of my nose, I am coughing up nasty looking stuff and well rest is something that is even harder for me to achieve. Sigh...

I never realized what a saving grace cold medicine is and I miss it so much! This is the fist cold in my life that I am riding out med-free and its horrible! But you do what you can to make sure your little one is happy and healthy.

All I want to say now is I want to live in a plastic bubble from now on until I have this baby and I will only open the small window inside, so I can eat some bacon! haha

Monday, June 21, 2010

23 Weeks + 1 day

Hello again. Again I am one day late of writing on time, but thats ok I have a really good excuse this week. I AM SICK!! UGH!!! Phew what a rollar coaster of a week and it keeps going!! It all started last Sat. when Mia had an accident in her bed that made me throw up, to Mia having a fever, which peeked at 103!, for 3 days! We got one day reprieve then her and I got sick with a cold!!! Mia is well again, but I am dying!!! It is so HORRIBLE to be sick and not being able to take ANY meds to make me feel better or to curb the symptoms! Not even hot tea is allowed! UGH! I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. I was so blessed and fortunate that I never got sick with Mia, but ah well... this little guy sure gives me a run for my money that is for sure! Hopefully I will be feeling better really soon... I want to be able to breathe again!

Nectarines and Bacon definately dominated this weeks craving list. Poor Adrian bought himself a bag of necterines and I polished them all off single handed!! Well Mia did get 1, but I ate the rest! They were so good, I am still craving their sweet taste!

Bacon was another odd thing. I am normally not a real hardcore bacon eater. I will only eat it once in a great while and never really think to cook it up. Well something snapped in me and I needed bacon BAD!!!! Once Adrian cooked it up for me I was in heaven... even though I was sick and my taste buds were all outta wack it was still delicious! I can't wait to cook up another pack when I am feeling better!

This is too hard to talk about this week since I have been sick with a cold

He is finally kicking really hard, just like Mia used too. He is no longer being gentle and I can feel him wack me pretty hard. He is finally laying vertical which helps sooooo much! When he lays horizontal it hurts alot! He is becoming more active each day but still isn't even as close to Mia's activity level in the tummy.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

bacon...Bacon... BACON!

A ravaging craving has hit... BACON!!!! I MUST...EAT.. BACON!!!!

I am normally not a big bacon eater but for the past week, the thought of bacon alone has made me drool!!!! Unfortunately, I did get sick with a cold so I can't taste as good but when Adrian made some bacon for breakfast... O-M-G! I was in heaven!!!

Mmmmm.... nice crispy almost burnt bacon wrapped in a tortilla!!! OMG I NEED MORE!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

22 week check up

Today was another busy busy day for us. I had another baby check up, but unfortunately due to Mia's sickness (which she is getting better... no temp today YAY!) I didn't want to take her out so Daddy had to sit home with her this visit. It was sad but, health comes first.

So I drove myself to my appointment. It was pretty hot out and I am not sure if it was the lack of sleep and huge amount of stress I have been going through these past couple of days (due to Mia being sick) but I felt completely out of it today. I even got severely dizzy a few times. I chalked it up to needing to drink more water and rest.

I checked in and eventually they took me back. I lost 3 pounds (which I think was due to me not eating very well due to stress these past couple of days) but my blood pressure and HR were good. I then went back and waited to be seen.

Rita (my OB) was happy to see me. I told her about the disaster the last couple of days were and why Adrian and Mia weren't with me. She was concerned about Mia and sent her well wishes. We chatted a bit and she gave me some good advice on some stuff.

One of them being the stomach pain I have been feeling alot. She says that since this is my second pregnancy I am a bit more stretched out inside than I was with Mia, therefore things will ache and hurt more. I explained how he likes to lay sideways and it hurts, and she mentioned that I can do some stretches to help with that. She said I could get on all fours and arch my back like a cat then bend it down like a howling dog then wiggle my butt! haha She said sometimes that will get the baby to change positions... I think I will have to try that one out sometime.

She also said that the ultra sounds came back completely normal but the only thing she didn't know was the gender. I told her "ITS A BOY!!!" and she got so excited and happy for us. She said that it couldn't happen to a more deserving couple. (She knew from previous visits that we were routing for a boy).

Then came time for the tummy measurement and heart beat. My tummy measures a perfect size AND the heart beat was loud and strong. (148 bpm) Hes definately is happy as a clam in there!!!

She was very pleased with my progress and commented on that. The next visit will consist of some blood work and the horrible and dreaded glucose test! YUCK! I told her how I didn't pass the first test with Mia and I ended up having to do the horrible 3 hour one. She then told me some tips to consider this time around. Like stopping all sweets at least 2 days before the test, and the morning of, no sweets AT ALL not even juice and to eat alot of protein. Hopefully that will help, I REALLY REALLY REEEEEEEEEEEEEALY don't want to have to do that 3 hour test again.

We chatted a bit more and it was time to go. I checked out and headed home to my other babies. Overall the check up went great and yep I am over half way done!!! YIKES!!

Kasier Check-Up Info

General information


Ob Office Visit with RITA T MURRAY NP


Tuesday June 15, 2010 3:00 PM






Blood Pressure:





189 lb 9.6 oz (86.002 kg)

Patient instructions

Your Kaiser Permanente Care Instructions

Weeks 20 to 24 of Your Pregnancy: After Your Visit

Your Care Instructions

Your baby is continuing to develop quickly. It can now suck its thumb, grip firmly with its hand, and open and close its eyelids. You may also notice that your baby kicks and hiccups.

By now, fingernails and toenails have formed on your baby's hands and feet. Its skin is wrinkled, red, and shiny. And your doctor can easily hear its heartbeat with a regular stethoscope. At 24 weeks, your baby will be about 11 to 12 inches long and 1 to 1½ pounds.

During your second trimester, you may find that your nausea and fatigue are gone. Overall, you may feel better and have more energy than you did in your first trimester. But you may also have new discomforts now, such as sleep problems or leg cramps. This care sheet can help you ease these discomforts.

It is still generally safe for you to travel throughout your second trimester, but it is a good idea to take some precautions before you travel. This is also a time when you may start to wonder about going into labor early. Even though most babies are not born early, it is important to know the signs of preterm labor.

Some women begin to leak a yellowish or whitish fluid, called colostrum, from their breasts. This is the first breast milk, the kind you will have after birth, before your milk "comes in." If your clothes get wet from the leaking fluid, you can use all-cotton breast pads inside the cup of your bra.

Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor if you are having problems. Its also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take.

How can you care for yourself at home?

Ease sleep problems

- Avoid caffeine in drinks or chocolate late in the day.
- Get some exercise every day.
- Take a warm (not hot) shower or bath before bed.
- Have a light snack or glass of milk at bedtime.
- Do relaxation exercises in bed to calm your mind and body.
- Support your legs and back with extra pillows. Try a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side.
- Do not use sleeping pills or alcohol. They could harm your baby.

Ease leg cramps

- Do not massage your calf during the cramp.
- Sit on a firm bed or chair. Straighten your leg, and bend your foot (flex your ankle) slowly upward, toward your knee. Bend your toes up and down.
- Stand on a cool, flat surface. Stretch your toes upward, and take small steps walking on your heels.
- Use a heating pad or hot water bottle to help with muscle ache.

Prevent leg cramps

- Cut back on lunch meats, packaged foods, and carbonated beverages.
- Be sure to get enough calcium. If you are worried that you are not getting enough, talk to your doctor.
- Exercise every day, and stretch your legs before bed.
- Take a warm bath before bed, and try leg warmers at night.

Travel safely

- Discuss your travel plans with your doctor. Ask him or her which countries are safest for pregnant women. Decide if you should take any health records with you.
- Take it easy if you travel to altitudes over 6,000 feet. Thinner air may make you feel sick or tired.
- On planes, get up frequently to get your blood flowing in your legs. In cars, stop every 2 hours to do this.
- Drink lots of clean water, and go to the bathroom often. In foreign countries, drink bottled water, and avoid uncooked vegetables and fruit that you cannot peel.
- Pace yourself. Rest when you get tired. Choose tour groups that let you take breaks.

Know the signs of preterm labor

- You have menstrual-like cramps, with or without nausea.
- You have about 4 or more contractions in 20 minutes, or about 8 or more within 1 hour, even after you have had a glass of water and are resting.
- You have a low, dull backache that does not go away when you change your position.
- You have pain or pressure in your pelvis that comes and goes in a pattern.
- You have intestinal cramping or flu-like symptoms, with or without diarrhea.
- You notice an increase or change in your vaginal discharge. Discharge may be heavy, mucus-like, watery, or streaked with blood.
- Your water breaks.

If you think you have preterm labor

- Go to the bathroom.
- Drink 2 or 3 glasses of water or juice.
- Lie down on your left side. Do not lie on your back.
- While lying on your side, find your breast bone. Put your fingers in the soft spot just below it. Move your fingers down toward your belly button to find the top of your uterus. Check to see if it is tight.
- Contractions can be weak or strong. Record your contractions for an hour. Time a contraction from the start of one contraction to the start of the next one.
- Single or several strong contractions without a pattern are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They are practice contractions but not the start of labor. They often stop if you change what you are doing.
- Call your doctor if you have regular contractions. This means about 4 or more in 20 minutes, or about 8 or more within 1 hour, even after you have had a glass of water and are resting.

When should you call for help?

Call 911 anytime you think you may need emergency care. For example, call if:

- You pass out (lose consciousness).

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

- You have any vaginal bleeding or belly pain or cramping.
- You have a fever.
- You notice that your baby has stopped moving or is moving much less than normal.
- You have severe vomiting with pain or fever, you vomit 3 or more times a day, or you vomit continuously for more than 1 hour each day.
- You have frequent nosebleeds that are hard to stop.
- You have frequent headaches.
- You have cramping or swelling in your leg that will not go away.
- You have regular contractions. This means about 4 or more in 20 minutes, or about 8 or more within 1 hour, even after you have had a glass of water and are resting.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if you have any problems.

Where can you learn more?

Go to

Enter W603 in the search box to learn more about "Weeks 20 to 24 of Your Pregnancy: After Your Visit".

© 2006 - 2009 Healthwise, Incorporated. Care instructions adapted under license by Kaiser Permanente . This care instruction is for use with your licensed healthcare professional. If you have questions about a medical condition or this instruction, always ask your healthcare professional. Healthwise disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information.
1 hour Post-Glucose
Drink Glucola within 10 minute time period.


Your blood will be drawn exactly one hour after finishing the Glucola.

Be at the lab 45 minutes after completing the Glucola. This lab test is done no later than 7:30pm Monday-Saturday.

Be sure to give the lab enough time to process your blood test if there is a line.

The lab is located on the 2nd floor next to the Pharmacy at Wildomar.

Follow-up instructions

Return in about 4 weeks (around 7/13/2010).

Future orders

NameNo sooner thanNo later thanType

I LOVE Nectarines!!!

Poor Adrian bought a whole bag full and he didn't get a single one! I warned him that they looked good and once I bit into my first one I claimed them ALL!!!! Now I am tempted to send him off to Cardenas to buy some more, WinCo will just not do!

Monday, June 14, 2010

22 weeks! (and 1 day)

Hello! I am a day late in writing this only because Pumpkin's big sister Mia is very sick right now. She is running a high temp and yesterday was vomiting. Not fun. However, the rest of the week was pretty nice. We even had the chance to go to the San Diego County Fair! I wasn't sure how I would do with all that walking and sure enough by the time I got home I was in PAIN!! So sore and stiff. Luckily I wore my pregnancy belt which helped with the pelvic pain. Pumpkin just hung out, he has been kicking alot more but still very mellow. Not nearly as active as Mia was. I did notice something though, when Mia cries (like she was while she was sick and not feeling good) Pumpkin would wake up and kick kick kick! And hard too!!! It was almost like he was concerned for his big Sis already! How sweet!

No new cravings this week... oh wait... salad!!!! MMMMMMmmmmmm...... romain lettuce!

Unfortunately I did throw up this week. It was after Mia had a poopie accident in her bed and I got a wiff of it. I had not been sick in months but this was a diaster to say the least. I haven't been sick since. As for tiredness thats hard to determine. I have been pushing myself ALOT lately especially since Mia has been sick so I am totally drained.

I noticed that when he lies horizontally it hurts alot more. My stomach aches on each side and the pain wraps around my belly. Once he moves veritcal the pain goes away. Unfortuantely for me he likes to lay horizontal! GREEEEAT! I have been getting pretty intense and painful indigestion at night, for awhile there I was taking Maalox every night before bed. The heart burn is just like when I was pregnant with Mia... PAINFUL! It not so much burning than painful and hurting. Not fun! I am getting bigger and bigger and with that comes, being out of breath alot!! I don't even have to walk alot before I am panting... I feel so HUGE!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

21 Weeks!

21 weeks pregnant

Happy Sunday everyone!!! Wow what a week. This week Pumpkin's big sister was in another pageant but this time their Grandpa participated in it instead of me. I wanted to but I kept getting stomach pains and had to sit down alot. Pumpkin did kick alot when the music played and I thought that was cute.

names, Names, NAMES!! That has been the topic of this week. Adrian and I still can't come up with the perfect name yet. I have made my lists and he has as well but we still can't come up with anything that has set off bells and whistles. We have looked and looked... so far Alejandro ("Alex") still seems to be a big contender. I haven't fully given up on Victor yet and though Adrian says he will only go for Victor if its Victoriano I still don't know. Johnny has come up a few times but still that isn't quite what we are looking for. Adrian came up with Ruben and I am sort of liking that but .... I dunno. Sigh .. the quest continues but I have a sneaking suspicion Alex may be the winner.

SALADS!!!!!!! Garden, dinner, well anything with lettuce! I have been craving Pat and Oscar's Greek Salad alot and have recently discovered how GREAT Wendy's side salads are! I can't seem to get enough of Salads!

I am thinking of omitting this section from future blogs. THANKFULLY both have been great lately. I haven't been sick in so long, however, the tiredness hits alot. I think its mainly because I have been pushing myself too much lately... I need to TRY to slow it down a bit.

Pumpkins kicks are getting harder and harder! He has even woke me up a few times in the morning! Though he is ALOT more calm than Mia was, he does get going sometimes. Usually I feel him the most late at night and first thing in the morning. He sleeps most of the day and I will only feel him rarely.

I am also noticing he is becoming sensitive to outside sounds. He reacts to Mia screaming and playing, and loud music.

He also likes to do summersaults. Something that Mia never really did, I think its cute and feels really weird! haha

The arrythmia's are still kicking off ALOT (and sometimes are associated with his kicks). I do tend to get light headed and short of breath sometimes as well which is new to this pregnancy (I had that ALOT with Mia but it was mostly due to her sitting up so high and pushing on my diaphram). Also sometimes I will start to go numb on one side of my body, mostly my feet, legs or hand. I read on the internet that this is normal and is usually do to the baby sitting on a nerve that cuts off circulation. Nothing to be scared about but it is uncomfortable. This little guy also sits so low that he is constantly pushing, kicking, and doing whatever hes doing to my bladder! He causes me to run to the bathroom ALL THE TIME! Especially late at night, which is kind of tiresome. When I need to run to the bathroom I always say "My little guys is dancing on my bladder again" because it feels like he IS! haha

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So it begins...

Good Morning!!!

Pumpkin is definately a lot more mellow than Mia was in the tummy. Sometimes I can go almost the whole day and only feel 1 or 2 little kicks. I don't know if this is because I am only 20 weeks or not but I am almost positive I felt Mia a WHOLE lot more around this same time.

Well he really made up for lost time this morning!! I was sleeping peacefully in my bed (which is hard to do nowdays since I am getting so big!) and at around 6am right when Adrian was getting ready to climb into bed for the night, I felt Pumpkin start kicking... and kicking, and KICKING!!! It woke me right up! I put my hand on my tummy and sure enough, thump.. thump... BUMP! A sense of relief flooded me... I knew he was ok in his little cozy nest. (Something I have been worried about lately since I am not feeling him as much). Adrian happened to be in the room and I quickly called him over so he could put his hand on my tummy. Sure enough he kicked Daddy too!!! Adrian was pretty excited to feel him and even tried shaking my tummy a bit to keep him going. Well he did keep going... a whole 30 mins later I was still feeling the bumps and kicks!! haha

I soon had to get up since I couldn't fall back asleep, so I grabbed some breakfast and he soon calmed down. Maybe he was just hungry? haha

Anyway I am pretty excited. This is when pregnancy is fun... feeling my little one in my tummy. That is something I enjoyed so much with Mia and missed so much after I had her. I feel so VERY blessed to be able to experience it again!