Monday, April 19, 2010

Daddy Felt the Baby!

On Friday night, Adrian and I were in Oxnard and trying to sleep in my old room. I was tossing and turning and having a horrible time trying to get comfortable in the squished bed. Eventually I doozed off, only to be suddenly woken up by the baby!!

It was literally going NUTS!!! I had never felt so many flutters all at once EVER with this baby. It felt like I had a ton of tiny little butterflies flying all inside my tummy which acted like a jar! I was shocked and Adrian woke up. I told him "Your baby is going nuts!!!" He reached out and touched my tummy. I really didn't think he could feel anything since the baby is still so very small that I can't even feel it on the outside of my tummy yet.

To my shock he felt around a bit then went right to the exact spot where the flutters were happening. "Is this the spot?" I told him yes, in shock! He said it felt like my stomach was vibrating! We both got a huge kick out of that and he was so proud!

So ya, Adrian was the first to feel the baby on the outside. Not even Mama has done that and I am the one carrying this little pumpkin!! haha

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