Sunday, April 4, 2010

12 weeks

One more week and I officially start my Second Trimester!!!! WHOOHOO!! almost there!! Well this week I have definitely noticed a change in my sickness. I now have more "good days" than bad, though I still get the bad days. I also finally threw up this week which was NOT fun!! I really need to stay on top of eating because every time I skip a meal or become hungry it spells disaster! I have a doctor's appointment in a few days and I can't wait to hear the little ones heart beat again!

meat... Meat... MEAT!!!!! I am still craving my meat BAD! Luckily Adrian is the meat cooking king! and has been full filling my every craving!!! Especially when he cooks hamburgers and carne asada!!! YUM!

Today was the first day my energy level has shown signs of getting better. The rest of the week I was still a walking zombie. The sickness is finally showing signs of getting better. I am finally able to eat more and more of them. However, I am still restricted in my liquids, I still can only tolerate lemonade.

I am feeling the pelvic strain a bit more AND I think I am feeling baby flutters!!! I know most everything and everyone says it is too early to tell but I know what a baby feels like when it flutters, and the difference between that and gas!!! I get flutters when I am not gassy at all, how do you explain that! They are random and sometimes I can go most of the day without the flutters. Sometimes I get them alot. I don't know for sure if its the baby but I am thinking maybe it is. I started feeling this a few weeks ago but now its stronger... hmmmm

haven't checked since I was 181

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