Monday, April 19, 2010

14 weeks!

I am a day late in writing this blog but with good reason. We spent the weekend in Oxnard and didn't get home until late Sunday night. Overall the week has been pretty good. I still tend to get queasy here and there but it is slowly getting better.

A HUGE event happened this week, Adrian got to feel the baby for the first time! I was totally shocked that he could even feel the baby since I am still unable to feel the baby on the outside myself yet! Call it father's intuition or something but he was able to pin point EXACTLY where the baby was fluttering at the time. I am still shocked by that but so happy he was able to have that experience.

I also celebrated my 30th birthday this week and the baby was good to me and didn't let me get too sick when I ate cake.. YAY!

Nothing new yet. Still carne asada and meat!!!! I was in heaven this past weekend at my brother's house because he cook me up a TON of the best carne asada meat I have ever eaten!!!

The sickness is still here and rears its ugly head once in a while. Though I am getting better, I still am extremely sensitive to smells. I am easily set off and I gag ALL the time now. Even Mia's pee pee diapers in the morning set me off. I am having a very difficult time with that. I am slowly becoming able to eat more things which is good and bad. Good that I can eat a bigger variety of things, bad that I am gaining weight faster again! Ugh! I am slowly becoming able to drink water again which is a HUGE plus!

As for being tired... I am ALWAYS tried but it just may be due to the fact I don't get enough sleep. I am still getting up at all hours of the night having to snack or use the restroom. I can never fall right back to sleep either

I am showing more and more and look alot farther along than I am. I am also gaining weight and am up to 184!!! YIKES I think its mainly because I was gorging myself on tons of food and goodies this past weekend for my birthday.

I am still carrying low in my opinion because I remember clearly I had breathing problems with Mia early on because I carried her so high. I don't have that at all yet.

My tummy also itches like CRAZY!!!! AAAAAH! Cocoa-butter where are you?!?! haha

Other than those things nothing new has really happened

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