Sunday, April 11, 2010

SECOND TRIMESTER!!!! 13 weeks!!!

WHOOHOO!!!! I finally made it!!! I have officially hit my second trimester!!!!! I have waited soooooo long to finally be where I am at now. How do I feel!?!?!? ..... meh. I know, I hoped to feel a bit better than I currently do, but I blame Mia's poopie diaper this morning since it made me throw up.

I am starting to feel better and better however I still have my rough days. Granted they aren't as bad as my "bad" days earlier this month and last month but they are still pretty rough. Yesterday we went to San Diego for Mia's cousin's birthday and I ended up having to leave the party and lay down upstairs until I felt better. Oh well.. but I AM getting better and thats all that matters to me.

We got to see the baby again this week and that was a huge treat!!!! They were even sucking their thumb and we got to see it in action! TOO CUTE!!!! I can't wait to find out what they are so I can finally say he or she! I don't like calling it an "it", and whenever I use the term "they" people think I am talking about twins!!!! (You have no idea how many times that has come up at parties! haha)

No new cravings but I am still loving Carne Asada and Hamburgers!!! (Only homemade hamburgers since the last two I ate from Carl's Jr. made me horribly sick).

The tiredness has gotten somewhat better but I am still struggling to sleep at night. The sickness has become better but I still have bad times during the day

I seem to be carrying this baby a bit lower than I did with Mia. I have noticed this for a few weeks now, it may change later but as for now its low. I can not longer sleep on my back, I start to feel light headed and short of breath. I was waiting for that day to come since I was that way with Mia too! I am feeling more and more flutters though my doctor still insists it is gas! (What does she know! haha) My tummy is also starting to itch!!! Time to break out my pregnancy lotion!

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