Today was a another very big day for us. It was our 12 week check up day and talk about nervous. I always get nervous before check ups, even if I know everything will be ok, and today was no exception. I was extra nervous today because I had a new thing to worry about, Mia! This would be Mia's first time going with us to her baby sibling's appointment and I wasn't sure how she would be in the doctors office. Luckily Dada was coming to rescue and was on "Mia tantrum watch!" haha
Our appointment was schedule for 4:20pm so I timed Mia's lunch around that. I wanted her to be alittle hungry just in case we needed to distract her with snacks. I wanted to be able to stuff her up in the case of emergency so I packed her a apple, some cheerios, and a pair.
Soon it was time to leave, so we loaded up the car and off we went. I was still very nervous but Adrian kept reminding me that everything was going to be ok. Since we had a later appointment we got parking right away. Unfortunately, I started to feel alittle queasy from the car ride so I popped in a Preggie Pop and felt somewhat better. I checked in and they took us back right away! Yay, Mia liked this since she didn't have to wait in the waiting room to long.
Once we were taken back, Mia and Daddy went into the examination room while I was at the nurses station getting my vitals taken. The weighed me (UGH!) but to my surprise I am still losing weight and weight less than I did that last time I was there. After all their little tests were done I was able to rejoin Adrian and Mia in the examination room.
I had to change into a hospital gown and wait on the bed like thing. Mia was having a blast playing with a giant toy Daddy found in the room. She having so much fun with it that we didn't have to distract her with food or anything. She was behaving so well.
Then my OB came in. I have had the same OB since 2005! So she has seen me through alot, pre-pregnancy, all of Mia's pregnancy, the miscarriage, and now this pregnancy. She was so happy to see me again and gave me a great big hug and congratulated me. She was very happy to see Adrian too (who went to most of Mia's pregnancy appointments too) and remembered him. She fell in love with little Mia! She had not seen her since Mia was a month old!!! Mia of course acted her shy self and wouldn't look at her.
Rita then asked me some basic questions and let me know all my labs came back fine. Then she began her exam. She first checked my eyes, mouth, neck and listened to me breath and thats when we both noticed at the same time how scared Mia looked!!!! She just stared at us with her mouth open looking all concerned! Rita then consoled Mia saying "Don't worry I am not hurting your Mommy" I also reassured Mia too and she soon went back to playing. (Awww she was concerned for her Mama) She then did a few more exams and asked "So do you want to see your baby really quick?!"
"Really?!?!?!?! OK!!!!!" Adrian and I both said! This was a HUGE treat! We totally were not expecting this especially since we didn't get a second ultra-sound picture of Mia until I was 17 weeks and even that was early for a second one. So she left and came back with the machine. She told us it would not be an in depth check and would be very straight forward and quick. Adrian and I didn't mind, we jumped at any opportunity to see our little one!
She prepped my tummy with that cold jelly and put the machine on it. You could tell my doctor's a pro because she found the baby instantly. It was magical to see our little one again. The baby has grown so much and now looks like a tiny little baby. She showed us the fluttering heart beat then attempted to wake the baby up by shaking my tummy a bit. Sure enough the baby moved it's arm in a sort of waving fashion then stuck its fingers/thumb in its mouth and began to suck!!! "Look they are sucking their thumb! how cute!" My doctor said. "Adrian look look look!!!" I yelled excitedly "Ya, I see it!!!" Adrian and I were both just amazed!!! We couldn't believe our eyes! This was the first time in our little ultra-sound history (even dating back to Mia's entire pregnancy) that we actually got to see the baby move!!! You could tell it was sucking its finger(s) too because you could see the little movement of its mouth! PRICELESS!! My doctor shook my tummy again and the baby took its hand from its mouth then moved it back to it and started to suck again. It was so cute! Adrian and I melted. I haven't seen Adrian so happy and excited in a long time. It was a great moment. Mia on the other hand just continued to play with her toy haha.
After the ultra-sound Rita gave us three little picture to take home with us. We were on cloud nine. Then she answered some questions I had for her, like the constant cervical pain, lifting Mia, possible bleeding etc. She reassured me I was completely fine and that any pain and discomfort (other than severe) is normal for the second pregnancy and should be expected. She still restricted me to not picking up Mia and commended us for taking steps already to avoid that. She also reassured me that I should not see any bleeding and chances of losing this baby are VERY low! YAY!!! THATS the news I wanted to hear! I was so happy and I feel great!!
She concluded her visit and we got to go home. I rewarded Mia for being such a good girl in the doctor's office with a big apple. She was happy with that. After I got dressed and ready, we left. I am scheduled to see her again May 12th.
Overall the visit was awesome. Better than what we could ever expect!! I am so happy right now!