Sunday, April 25, 2010

15 Weeks!

Happy Sunday! For the most part it is pretty happy for me other than this killer headache! UGH! At least the sickness is really under control... well somewhat. I did throw up a few times yesterday but it was because I was running around doing stuff to fast on a semi-empty stomach. I know I know I was just asking for trouble.

Overall I am feeling much better. I can feel my energy level returning, I am able to eat more stuff and I only get sick if I exert myself or let myself go hungry. Not bad!

Still nothing really new in this department. Nothing crazy or weird, however, Carne Asada is still number one on my list next to beans and rice! haha

MUCH MUCH BETTER!!! HOORAY!!!!!! Though smells still set me off I have to be careful around that. Changing Mia is still proving to be alittle difficult but it is manageable for the most part. Nothing really gets me sick if I eat it other than Salsa for some reason...boooooo! oh and chocolate too.

I felt the baby kick the heck out of my side yesterday! It actually hurt and shocked me!!! I haven't really felt a kick that hard since... I can't wait until I do! Well I say that now, just wait until the baby is bigger and all it wants to do is kick me non-stop just like their big sister did to me! haha

I am showing more and more every week and my belly is finally taking the shape of a pregnant belly instead of one that is full of pie and cake! haha I am still too small for maternity clothes but my current clothes are getting tighter and tighter, especially my jeans! I am still carrying pretty low but I don't mind, I can breathe better when they are not hanging out so high.

I can no longer sleep on my back since I get shortness of breath and become dizzy (very normal during pregnancy) but I can still sleep on my tummy for now. I am getting TONS of heart arithmias too, but I am not to scared about that, I had tons with Mia as well.

My emotional state is starting to act up a bit. I am SOOOO EMOTIONAL!!! waaaay more than I was with Mia. I feel depressed alot and want to cry. Not sure why this pregnancy is hitting me like that but ah well. If it gets any worse I might need to consult my doctor about it. So far its just outbursts and fits of crying. No fun!

Monday, April 19, 2010

14 weeks!

I am a day late in writing this blog but with good reason. We spent the weekend in Oxnard and didn't get home until late Sunday night. Overall the week has been pretty good. I still tend to get queasy here and there but it is slowly getting better.

A HUGE event happened this week, Adrian got to feel the baby for the first time! I was totally shocked that he could even feel the baby since I am still unable to feel the baby on the outside myself yet! Call it father's intuition or something but he was able to pin point EXACTLY where the baby was fluttering at the time. I am still shocked by that but so happy he was able to have that experience.

I also celebrated my 30th birthday this week and the baby was good to me and didn't let me get too sick when I ate cake.. YAY!

Nothing new yet. Still carne asada and meat!!!! I was in heaven this past weekend at my brother's house because he cook me up a TON of the best carne asada meat I have ever eaten!!!

The sickness is still here and rears its ugly head once in a while. Though I am getting better, I still am extremely sensitive to smells. I am easily set off and I gag ALL the time now. Even Mia's pee pee diapers in the morning set me off. I am having a very difficult time with that. I am slowly becoming able to eat more things which is good and bad. Good that I can eat a bigger variety of things, bad that I am gaining weight faster again! Ugh! I am slowly becoming able to drink water again which is a HUGE plus!

As for being tired... I am ALWAYS tried but it just may be due to the fact I don't get enough sleep. I am still getting up at all hours of the night having to snack or use the restroom. I can never fall right back to sleep either

I am showing more and more and look alot farther along than I am. I am also gaining weight and am up to 184!!! YIKES I think its mainly because I was gorging myself on tons of food and goodies this past weekend for my birthday.

I am still carrying low in my opinion because I remember clearly I had breathing problems with Mia early on because I carried her so high. I don't have that at all yet.

My tummy also itches like CRAZY!!!! AAAAAH! Cocoa-butter where are you?!?! haha

Other than those things nothing new has really happened

Daddy Felt the Baby!

On Friday night, Adrian and I were in Oxnard and trying to sleep in my old room. I was tossing and turning and having a horrible time trying to get comfortable in the squished bed. Eventually I doozed off, only to be suddenly woken up by the baby!!

It was literally going NUTS!!! I had never felt so many flutters all at once EVER with this baby. It felt like I had a ton of tiny little butterflies flying all inside my tummy which acted like a jar! I was shocked and Adrian woke up. I told him "Your baby is going nuts!!!" He reached out and touched my tummy. I really didn't think he could feel anything since the baby is still so very small that I can't even feel it on the outside of my tummy yet.

To my shock he felt around a bit then went right to the exact spot where the flutters were happening. "Is this the spot?" I told him yes, in shock! He said it felt like my stomach was vibrating! We both got a huge kick out of that and he was so proud!

So ya, Adrian was the first to feel the baby on the outside. Not even Mama has done that and I am the one carrying this little pumpkin!! haha

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another horrible Morning!!!

Well the title of this blog isn't entirely true. The whole morning was horrible, just the first part of it where Mia's poopie diaper smell got me so sick I threw up!!! YUCK!!! Joys of pregnancy and mommy-hood!

SECOND TRIMESTER!!!! 13 weeks!!!

WHOOHOO!!!! I finally made it!!! I have officially hit my second trimester!!!!! I have waited soooooo long to finally be where I am at now. How do I feel!?!?!? ..... meh. I know, I hoped to feel a bit better than I currently do, but I blame Mia's poopie diaper this morning since it made me throw up.

I am starting to feel better and better however I still have my rough days. Granted they aren't as bad as my "bad" days earlier this month and last month but they are still pretty rough. Yesterday we went to San Diego for Mia's cousin's birthday and I ended up having to leave the party and lay down upstairs until I felt better. Oh well.. but I AM getting better and thats all that matters to me.

We got to see the baby again this week and that was a huge treat!!!! They were even sucking their thumb and we got to see it in action! TOO CUTE!!!! I can't wait to find out what they are so I can finally say he or she! I don't like calling it an "it", and whenever I use the term "they" people think I am talking about twins!!!! (You have no idea how many times that has come up at parties! haha)

No new cravings but I am still loving Carne Asada and Hamburgers!!! (Only homemade hamburgers since the last two I ate from Carl's Jr. made me horribly sick).

The tiredness has gotten somewhat better but I am still struggling to sleep at night. The sickness has become better but I still have bad times during the day

I seem to be carrying this baby a bit lower than I did with Mia. I have noticed this for a few weeks now, it may change later but as for now its low. I can not longer sleep on my back, I start to feel light headed and short of breath. I was waiting for that day to come since I was that way with Mia too! I am feeling more and more flutters though my doctor still insists it is gas! (What does she know! haha) My tummy is also starting to itch!!! Time to break out my pregnancy lotion!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My newest addiction!!!!

This is the best Lemonade EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so addicted to it that I go through 3 cartons in a couple of days! Luckily its under $2! haha

12 Week Check Up!

Today was a another very big day for us. It was our 12 week check up day and talk about nervous. I always get nervous before check ups, even if I know everything will be ok, and today was no exception. I was extra nervous today because I had a new thing to worry about, Mia! This would be Mia's first time going with us to her baby sibling's appointment and I wasn't sure how she would be in the doctors office. Luckily Dada was coming to rescue and was on "Mia tantrum watch!" haha

Our appointment was schedule for 4:20pm so I timed Mia's lunch around that. I wanted her to be alittle hungry just in case we needed to distract her with snacks. I wanted to be able to stuff her up in the case of emergency so I packed her a apple, some cheerios, and a pair.

Soon it was time to leave, so we loaded up the car and off we went. I was still very nervous but Adrian kept reminding me that everything was going to be ok. Since we had a later appointment we got parking right away. Unfortunately, I started to feel alittle queasy from the car ride so I popped in a Preggie Pop and felt somewhat better. I checked in and they took us back right away! Yay, Mia liked this since she didn't have to wait in the waiting room to long.

Once we were taken back, Mia and Daddy went into the examination room while I was at the nurses station getting my vitals taken. The weighed me (UGH!) but to my surprise I am still losing weight and weight less than I did that last time I was there. After all their little tests were done I was able to rejoin Adrian and Mia in the examination room.

I had to change into a hospital gown and wait on the bed like thing. Mia was having a blast playing with a giant toy Daddy found in the room. She having so much fun with it that we didn't have to distract her with food or anything. She was behaving so well.

Then my OB came in. I have had the same OB since 2005! So she has seen me through alot, pre-pregnancy, all of Mia's pregnancy, the miscarriage, and now this pregnancy. She was so happy to see me again and gave me a great big hug and congratulated me. She was very happy to see Adrian too (who went to most of Mia's pregnancy appointments too) and remembered him. She fell in love with little Mia! She had not seen her since Mia was a month old!!! Mia of course acted her shy self and wouldn't look at her.

Rita then asked me some basic questions and let me know all my labs came back fine. Then she began her exam. She first checked my eyes, mouth, neck and listened to me breath and thats when we both noticed at the same time how scared Mia looked!!!! She just stared at us with her mouth open looking all concerned! Rita then consoled Mia saying "Don't worry I am not hurting your Mommy" I also reassured Mia too and she soon went back to playing. (Awww she was concerned for her Mama) She then did a few more exams and asked "So do you want to see your baby really quick?!"

"Really?!?!?!?! OK!!!!!" Adrian and I both said! This was a HUGE treat! We totally were not expecting this especially since we didn't get a second ultra-sound picture of Mia until I was 17 weeks and even that was early for a second one. So she left and came back with the machine. She told us it would not be an in depth check and would be very straight forward and quick. Adrian and I didn't mind, we jumped at any opportunity to see our little one!

She prepped my tummy with that cold jelly and put the machine on it. You could tell my doctor's a pro because she found the baby instantly. It was magical to see our little one again. The baby has grown so much and now looks like a tiny little baby. She showed us the fluttering heart beat then attempted to wake the baby up by shaking my tummy a bit. Sure enough the baby moved it's arm in a sort of waving fashion then stuck its fingers/thumb in its mouth and began to suck!!! "Look they are sucking their thumb! how cute!" My doctor said. "Adrian look look look!!!" I yelled excitedly "Ya, I see it!!!" Adrian and I were both just amazed!!! We couldn't believe our eyes! This was the first time in our little ultra-sound history (even dating back to Mia's entire pregnancy) that we actually got to see the baby move!!! You could tell it was sucking its finger(s) too because you could see the little movement of its mouth! PRICELESS!! My doctor shook my tummy again and the baby took its hand from its mouth then moved it back to it and started to suck again. It was so cute! Adrian and I melted. I haven't seen Adrian so happy and excited in a long time. It was a great moment. Mia on the other hand just continued to play with her toy haha.

After the ultra-sound Rita gave us three little picture to take home with us. We were on cloud nine. Then she answered some questions I had for her, like the constant cervical pain, lifting Mia, possible bleeding etc. She reassured me I was completely fine and that any pain and discomfort (other than severe) is normal for the second pregnancy and should be expected. She still restricted me to not picking up Mia and commended us for taking steps already to avoid that. She also reassured me that I should not see any bleeding and chances of losing this baby are VERY low! YAY!!! THATS the news I wanted to hear! I was so happy and I feel great!!

She concluded her visit and we got to go home. I rewarded Mia for being such a good girl in the doctor's office with a big apple. She was happy with that. After I got dressed and ready, we left. I am scheduled to see her again May 12th.

Overall the visit was awesome. Better than what we could ever expect!! I am so happy right now!

Kasier Check-Up Info

General information


Ob Office Visit with RITA T MURRAY NP


Wednesday April 07, 2010 4:20 PM






Blood Pressure:





184 lb (83.462 kg)

Patient instructions

Your Kaiser Permanente Care Instructions

Weeks 10 to 12 of Your Pregnancy: After Your Visit

Your Care Instructions

By weeks 10 to 12 of your pregnancy, the placenta has formed inside your uterus. It may be possible to hear your baby's heartbeat with a special ultrasound device.

This is the perfect time to think about an alpha fetoprotein (AFP) test. This test can tell you if you are more at risk for having a baby with birth defects. It is also not too soon to think about breast-feeding your baby after it is born. Only you know your feelings about breast-feeding. But it is important to learn about the benefits of breast-feeding.

Several changes in your body can occur during these few weeks. You may notice changes in your appetite, energy level, moods, or the way your breasts look and feel. You may feel dizzy or have headaches, vaginal discharge, nosebleeds, or a stuffy nose. These are normal, often temporary, changes. Although some of these changes may be uncomfortable, this care sheet can help you take steps to feel more comfortable.

Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor if you are having problems. Its also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take.

How can you care for yourself at home?

Decide about an alpha fetoprotein (AFP) test

- An AFP is a blood test done between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. Talk to your doctor if you want to have it.
- The test can tell you if you are more at risk for having a baby with birth defects. The test screens for:
- Problems with how the spine, brain, belly, or bowels form.
- Down syndrome and Trisomy 18. These conditions cause mental and physical problems.
- If you have a positive AFP result, it does not mean that your baby has a problem. But your doctor will want to watch your pregnancy closely and talk to you about next steps.

Ease discomfort

- Slow down and take naps when you feel tired.
- If your emotions swing, talk to someone. Crying, anxiety, and concentration problems are common.
- If your gums bleed, try a softer toothbrush. If your gums are puffy and bleed a lot, see your dentist.
- If you feel dizzy:
- Get up slowly after sitting or lying down.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Eat small snacks to keep your blood sugar stable.
- Put your head between your legs as though you were tying your shoelaces.
- Lie down with your legs higher than your head. Use pillows to prop up your feet.
- If you have a headache:
- Lie down.
- Ask your partner or a good friend for a neck massage.
- Try cool cloths over your forehead or across the back of your neck.
- Take 1 or 2 regular-dose tablets of acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 4 to 6 hours. Do not take aspirin or migraine medicine unless your doctor says it is okay.
- Treat a yeast infection if you get one. Thick, whitish vaginal discharge is normal. But if the discharge itches, burns, or looks like cottage cheese, you may have a yeast infection. To treat a yeast infection:
- Use over-the-counter products, such as Monistat or Gyne-Lotrimin, for the infection.
- Use 1% hydrocortisone cream for itching.
- When you take a bath or shower, wash and rinse carefully.
- Wear cotton underwear, change it often, and be sure it is dry.
- If you have a nosebleed, pinch your nose gently, and hold it for a short while. To prevent nosebleeds, try massaging a small dab of petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, in your nostrils.
- If your nose is stuffed up, try saline (saltwater) nose sprays. Do not use decongestant sprays.

Care for your breasts

- Wear a bra that gives you good support.
- Know that changes in your breasts are normal.
- Your breasts may get larger and more tender. Tenderness usually gets better by 12 weeks.
- Your nipples may get darker and larger, and small bumps around your nipples may show more.
- The veins in your chest and breasts may show more.
- Do not worry about "toughening'" your nipples. Breast-feeding will naturally do this.

Consider breast-feeding

- Experts recommend that women breast-feed for 1 year or longer. Breast milk is the perfect food for babies.
- Breast milk is easier for babies to digest than formula, and is always available, just the right temperature, and free.
- In general, babies who are breast-fed are healthier than formula-fed babies.
- Breast-fed babies are less likely to get ear infections, colds, diarrhea, and pneumonia.
- Breast-fed babies who are fed only breast milk are less likely to develop asthma and allergies.
- Breast-fed babies are less likely to be obese or develop diabetes or heart disease.
- Women who breast-feed bleed less after birth. Their uteruses also shrink back faster.
- Some women who breast-feed lose weight faster. Making milk burns calories.
- Breast-feeding can lower your risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and osteoporosis.

When should you call for help?

Call 911 anytime you think you may need emergency care. For example, call if:

- You pass out (lose consciousness).

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

- You have any vaginal bleeding or belly pain or cramping.
- You have a fever.
- You have vaginal discharge that smells bad.
- You have severe vomiting with pain or fever, you vomit 3 or more times a day, or you vomit continuously for more than 1 hour each day.
- You have frequent or severe headaches.
- You have frequent nosebleeds that are hard to stop.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if you have any problems.

Where can you learn more?

Go to

Enter E090 in the search box to learn more about "Weeks 10 to 12 of Your Pregnancy: After Your Visit".

© 2006 - 2009 Healthwise, Incorporated. Care instructions adapted under license by Kaiser Permanente . This care instruction is for use with your licensed healthcare professional. If you have questions about a medical condition or this instruction, always ask your healthcare professional. Healthwise disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information.

Your Kaiser Permanente Care Instructions

Nutrition During Pregnancy: After Your Visit

Your Care Instructions

Healthy eating when you are pregnant is important for you and your baby. It can help you feel well and have a successful pregnancy and delivery. During pregnancy your nutrition needs increase. Even if you have excellent eating habits, your doctor may recommend a multivitamin to make sure you get enough iron and folic acid.

Many pregnant women wonder how much weight they should gain. In general, women who were at a healthy weight before they became pregnant should gain between 25 and 35 pounds. Women who were overweight before pregnancy are usually advised to gain 15 to 25 pounds. Women who were underweight before pregnancy are usually advised to gain 28 to 40 pounds. Your doctor will work with you to set a weight goal that is right for you. Gaining a healthy amount of weight helps you have a healthy baby.

Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor if you are having problems. Its also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take.

How can you care for yourself at home?

- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Include a variety of orange, yellow, and leafy dark-green vegetables every day.
- Choose whole-grain bread, cereal, and pasta. Good choices include whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and oatmeal.
- Get 4 or more servings of milk and milk products each day. Good choices include nonfat or low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese. If you cannot eat milk products, you can get calcium from calcium-fortified products such as orange juice, soy milk, and tofu. Other non-milk sources of calcium include leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, and brussels sprouts.
- If you eat meat, pick lower-fat types. Good choices include lean cuts of meat and chicken or turkey without the skin.
- Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, or albacore tuna. They have high levels of mercury, which is dangerous to your baby. You can eat up to 12 ounces a week of fish or shellfish that have low mercury levels. Good choices include shrimp, canned light tuna, wild salmon, pollack, and catfish.
- Heat lunch meats (such as turkey, ham, or bologna) to 165°F before you eat them. This reduces your risk of getting sick from a kind of bacteria that can be found in lunch meats.
- Do not eat unpasteurized soft cheeses, such as brie, feta, fresh mozzarella, and blue cheese. They have a bacteria that could harm your baby.
- Limit caffeine. If you drink coffee or tea, have no more than 1 cup a day. Caffeine is also found in colas.
- Do not drink any alcohol. No amount of alcohol has been found to be safe during pregnancy.
- Do not diet or try to lose weight. For example, do not follow a low-carbohydrate diet. If you are overweight at the start of your pregnancy, your doctor will work with you to manage your weight gain.
- Tell your doctor about all vitamins and supplements you take.

When should you call for help?

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if you have any problems.

Where can you learn more?

Go to

Enter Y785 in the search box to learn more about "Nutrition During Pregnancy: After Your Visit".

© 2006 - 2009 Healthwise, Incorporated. Care instructions adapted under license by Kaiser Permanente . This care instruction is for use with your licensed healthcare professional. If you have questions about a medical condition or this instruction, always ask your healthcare professional. Healthwise disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information.

Follow-up instructions

Return in about 4 weeks (around 5/5/2010).

Medications Dispensed During This Visit

NameStart dateDate stopped
Prenatal Vit-Iron Fumarate-FA (PRENATAL S) 27-0.8 mg Oral Tab4/7/20104/7/2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

12 weeks

One more week and I officially start my Second Trimester!!!! WHOOHOO!! almost there!! Well this week I have definitely noticed a change in my sickness. I now have more "good days" than bad, though I still get the bad days. I also finally threw up this week which was NOT fun!! I really need to stay on top of eating because every time I skip a meal or become hungry it spells disaster! I have a doctor's appointment in a few days and I can't wait to hear the little ones heart beat again!

meat... Meat... MEAT!!!!! I am still craving my meat BAD! Luckily Adrian is the meat cooking king! and has been full filling my every craving!!! Especially when he cooks hamburgers and carne asada!!! YUM!

Today was the first day my energy level has shown signs of getting better. The rest of the week I was still a walking zombie. The sickness is finally showing signs of getting better. I am finally able to eat more and more of them. However, I am still restricted in my liquids, I still can only tolerate lemonade.

I am feeling the pelvic strain a bit more AND I think I am feeling baby flutters!!! I know most everything and everyone says it is too early to tell but I know what a baby feels like when it flutters, and the difference between that and gas!!! I get flutters when I am not gassy at all, how do you explain that! They are random and sometimes I can go most of the day without the flutters. Sometimes I get them alot. I don't know for sure if its the baby but I am thinking maybe it is. I started feeling this a few weeks ago but now its stronger... hmmmm

haven't checked since I was 181

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ugh.. it finally happened

Well it finally happened... the unavoidable. I just KNEW I couldn't get through this pregnancy without it happening at least once. So ya, I finally threw up today. It wasn't any ordinary thing either it was a full on DISASTER!!! so awful I am hesitant to write about it! haha But for sake of prosperity I must write... the good.. the bad.. and the ugly!!!

It all happened so suddenly and unexpectedly. Seriously, it came out of no where. I woke up this morning feeling fine. Not even nausious like I normally am. I went downstairs, messed with the computer a bit then went upstairs to greet Mia. We played in her room a bit, I changed her diaper then got her ready to go downstairs. I held her hand as we walked down the steps together. I was feeling pretty good, not sick at all and having high hopes on how the day would go. We got to the bottom of the stairs and I asked Mia (like I always do every morning) "Want some Milk?!" Of course she runs to the kitchen and I am following right behind her. Then I passed by the pantry and got a wiff of something stinky!!! O-M-G! (Adrian had just thrown away a loaf of moldy bread the day before but I think the smell lingered)

I stopped in my tracks. I could already feel the gag reflex trying to kick in. I tried to ignore it. I walked to the fridge and opened the door to grab Mia's milk and milk cup. Suddenly the urge to gag became over powering! I had to eat or drink something fast!!! (An empty stomach while pregnant is just asking for trouble). The first thing I could grab was some Orange Juice. I wasted no time and drank some right out of the jug. Poor Mia was waiting there patiently for her milk. Of course that didn't settle my stomach AT ALL! and just made things WORSE! (Remember the only thing I can tolerate to drink at the moment is lemonade for some reason) I gagged, but managed to keep my composure. "I can beat this!" I thought to myself. "I have done it so many times before... just ignore it just ignore it". Well there was no ignoring the fact that I was losing the battle and fast!!! I managed to pour Mia some milk in her cup and just as I handed it to her I started to gag HARD and I knew right then I needed to get to the bathroom ASAP because this was not going to stop. I didn't even put the Milk back in the fridge, infact Mia had to close the fridge door for me as I literally ran to the bathroom.

Every second counted, by the time I turned the corner to the bathroom I was almost throwing up right there. I managed to make it into the bathroom, turn on the lights but no time to lift the lid and just started heaving right there. It was so violent and so horrible. The bathroom door was still open and dispite all that was happening I was worried Mia would come to the bathroom and see me and get scared OR end up getting into stuff she shouldn't be in the bathroom just because I was unable to tend to her. So in between getting sick I managed to slam the door. Poor Mia just happened to be turning the corner when I did and she got upset I locked her out of the bathroom. (I usually always let her in with me for potty training purposes). She started crying outside of the door and I was getting uncontrollably sick in the bathroom. I could not stop! No matter how hard I tried. I was getting sick so violently that I actually urinated on myself! I am not exaggerating on how bad it was. It was that bad and that hard! Then panic started to set in! What if I can't stop! How am I going to get Adrian's help if I can't leave the bathroom and poor Mia is out in the livingroom crying and by herself!?!?!

Finally I managed to gather all my inner strength and managed to stop. Mia had stopped crying and I think it was because after hearing all the chaos coming from the bathroom she no longer wanted to come in! haha I caught my breath, composed myself as best as I could and staggered to the door.

When I opened the door I was greeted with the saddest sight I have ever seen. Mia was standing there right in front of the door, milk cup in one hand, arm stretched out with the other, her mouth was wide open and her eyes were bugged out!!! She was so scared!!! Poor baby!!!! Unfortunately, I wasn't sure how long my vomit break would last and I HAD to get upstairs to wake up Adrian and have him take care of Mia for me. So I couldn't comfort her. I just lightly rubbed her head and said "Its ok baby" and I went upstairs a literal mess!

I woke up Adrian and he quickly sprung into action and took care of Mia. I cleaned up, changed my clothes and rested upstairs until my stomach calmed down. Eventually I felt well enough to join Mia and Adrian downstairs. I ate some crackers and drank some lemonade and soon the feeling of getting sick was replaced with just feeling queasy (which I always feel anyway). I later relieved Adrian and he went back to bed and Mia and I restarted our day.

The rest of the day was ok. I was little queasy but nothing to bad. I didn't throw up again but I am really sore and my throat hurts a TON!

So whats the lesson here?! I have no idea! maybe eat breakfast before I get Mia up?! I was planning on eating with her like I always do but maybe snack before? I dunno it just happened so fast and right out of the blue its hard to take a lesson from it. Sigh... oh well I just hope this is my one and only horror story with this pregnancy. I have a story with throwing up with Mia's pregnancy and now I have this one. Well knowing my luck this isn't the last of this, this baby is already proving to be more of a handful (pregnancy wise) than Mia's so who knows whats in store for me. ACK just wish me luck and pray for me! haha