Monday, January 25, 2010

The time has come!

Well we did it!!! We took "the big gamble in Las Vegas". We are currently in Las Vegas celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary (alittle late since its Jan! haha). I had a feeling I would ovulate while here and sure enough I did!!!!

Once we hit the border I got the CM sign!! Then once we got to our room, which by the way is a Grand Suite at Mandalay Bay, I took a ovulation test and it was POSITIVE!!! Two of them were! So I waited 12 hours later (which your supposed to, to increase the boy chance) before doing the "baby dance" haha

So we are in the running! I am so excited... I hope it worked!! The only thing is my temp never truly spiked its been all over the place. I hope we get our boy but I will be happy with either as long as they are happy and healthy!!!

EEEEEK! I might be PREGNANT!!!!!

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