Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well for the past couple of days my hopes have been going up. Yesterday, along with being extremely tired and my boobs increasingly hurting, I felt sick. Not sick sick to the degree of laying down and not moving, but I did feel the tinge of nauseousness. I would eat then a few mins later feel sick and bleh.

Today I am even more tired and after sleeping for about 7hrs I still fell asleep while watching TV with Mia in the morning. After I woke up I was still tried and contemplated going down for a nap myself once she was down. My boobs hurt even more!!! When I stretched earlier I felt a stabby pain on my left side in my uterus. Is something happening? Is the egg implanting now? Wow I really can be pregnant!

I am excited. I can't wait to test but I know I have to wait. Oh and another thing.. I have to PEE all the time!!! and it isn't even very much.

I have a feeling I am pregnant!! YAY!

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