Monday, January 11, 2010

Taking baby steps

Since we finally agreed this is the month we are going to try to have a baby, I have been so excited. All my talks are about the new baby and my upcoming pregnancy. I want to brag to the world and to everyone because I am so sure I will get pregnant fast but I can't. I don't want anything to go wrong this time around and I don't want to jinx anything.

I have been keeping track of my temp everyday to figure out when exactly I ovulate, to help things along. I bought a TWO ovulation kits to also help.

Why so eager to find out my ovulation date? Why not have "fun" and whatever happens happen? Well for one we did that already.. TWICE.. once with Mia and once with Angel. This time I want to plan alittle better. The main reason though is I WANT MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want a son so bad!!!! I have always wanted a little boy my whole life. Don't get me wrong I love having a daughter and Mia is the best, and any future daughters will be just as welcomed and great.. however... I WANT A BOY!!!!

I am trying everything in my power to increase the chances of having a boy and I am feeling pretty confident. I am going into this thing with a boy on my mind and in my heart so hopefully it will work out that way. If we get a girl again I will still be happy, however, I am rooting for a boy. I want to talk to other people about this and how excited I am and what I have been doing to prepare for a boy.. but again I don't want to jinx it. I feel its like a birthday wish, if I talk about it .. it won't happen. I can talk to Adrian about it because he is involved and Mia because she doesn't understand but thats it. Its driving me nuts!! I am not good at holding in secrets, but this one I must. After I get pregnant its out of my hands, whatever happens happens but until then its hush hush. Especially my efforts in trying for that boy.

Why do I want a boy so bad. OMG so many reasons, where to even start? Well I always wanted a boy so I could see my husband in him... but now that Mia looks identical to Adrian that isn't such a big reason anymore. I want a boy so he could love me and become a "Mama's Boy" haha I want to be the first in the family to bring in the Grandson on both sides. I want to be the first to bring in the nephew on both sides. I just want a son. I need my boy, I deserve my boy we deserve our boy. I hope for a boy!!!! Dear God if you are reading this please bless us with our healthy little boy!!!

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