Thursday, January 28, 2010


I was really excited at first. I really thought maybe, just maaaaaybe I really was pregnant. This was while we were still in Vegas. I was having some strong pressure in my uterus along with massive gas and a stabby pain. My boobs were hurting and I felt dizzy. I was relishing in the new feelings and excitement of "What if?" "I probably am!"

I was so excited that I was already asking myself if I should tell my Dad early while he is still visiting here at the house. Adrian told me not to and to wait till the test confirmation in a couple of weeks. Well the symptoms followed me and remained the same the past couple of days.

Adrian and I cleared out our garage and I kept feeling stabby pains in my uterus if I did to much. When I laughed really hard with my Dad the pressure was very noticeable and painful. I defiantly felt pregnant. It reminded me alot of Angel's pregnancy. I went to bed feeling content.

However the ONLY thing that has had me going... "oh no!" is my temp. It refused to spike. I know for a fact that after ovulation it spikes and it was still hovering in the 97.30s even if I was up and about. This concerned me so much. My ovulation test was positive on the 24th and 25th and it was negative on the 27th. Is my thermometer off?

I took my temp about an hour ago after giving Mia a bath and for the first time it was 97.50s!!!!! Did I just now spike? Did I ovulate yesterday? am I having a girl now because I was to much of a eager beaver and did the baby dance prematurely? Am I even pregnant at all?!?!?!?!?!?! Today was the first day the pressure is minimal and I don't feel that stabby pain anymore. I am depressed. Could I be wrong? am I not even pregnant?!!? Are these just ovulation signs I am feeling? I am so sad... I am seriously beginning to feel like I was wrong and I am not pregnant. If that is the case I will seriously be crushed!!! I really wanted that Vegas baby! Everything was so perfect there and they would have such a cute little romantic conception story just like Mia (my honeymoon Maui baby). Sigh.... I guess now its just a waiting game. My hopes have been crushed so I am going to take one day at a time.

I guess I jumped the gun a bit... I guess I wanted that Vegas baby to bad. I blew it....

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