Monday, January 18, 2010

Here we go...

Well it started. Today was the first day I took my ovulation test. I know I am far from ovulating (well not really... actually about a week from ovulation) but it was a big step for me. I always told myself I would start taking the OV test on the 18th and here we are. Time is really flying by and we are getting closer and closer to the big day! I am nervous and with every day getting closer I am getting more and more excited and nervous.

I am still taking my temp every morning which is a HUGE hassle. I can't wait until I can finally stop doing that. Its really a pain to take it twice, once when I wake up and once before I get up. Sometimes I find myself falling asleep with the darn thing in my mouth, only to be woken up by its beeps. Sigh.. all the things I am doing to ensure I know exactly when I can have a baby. When was making a baby so much work?!

I kind of wish I could just let things happen if and when it happens but due to my age, Mia's age and timing I just can't rely on that. Though it is more fun to be spontaneous and its exciting I am done with doing it that way. I did it with Mia and Angel so this time its more planned out.

To be honest its only because I am DYING for that boy! I want a son so bad! I need my boy and this is the only way to heighten my chances on my end. Luckily Adrian is a good sport and going along with my madness. I just hope all my efforts are not in vain and all of this that I am doing doesn't effect the outcome at all.. that would be a total shame.

Well I just felt I should write something about my big step day. Only a few more days till the baby dance! EEEK!

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