Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Family Picture Day!!!

Current mood: exhausted

I have been meaning to take Mia to get her pictures taken professionally for a VERY long time, however, we either never found the right time or just didn't have the money. However, after getting Alex's hospital pictures taken (professionally), I was HOOKED! and really wanted to get the kid's pictures taken together again. Then Adrian came across a promotional coupon from Sears which allowed us to get their pictures taken (no sitting fee) AND a free Halloween collage!!! NICE! I thought, what better time than now to get their pictures taken together in their Halloween costumes so I quickly made an appointment.

Well the original appointment was for yesterday but that day ended up being CRAZY so I rescheduled for today. Plus my Dad was in town for a few days and he would get to go with us which would be a HUGE treat for him.

Our appointment was at 1 but we still ended up running around at the last min. Alex decided to have a poopie diaper that ended up as a "blow out" aka Diaper malfunction! Mia refused to get her clothes on and Alex needed to eat. Then our printer broke down and we couldn't print the coupon, so Daddy came to the rescue and got that up and running. Soon we were all on the road and headed to our new adventure. (Two cars I might add!!! Since Mia and Alex took the backseat... it was the very first ride we took with BOTH of them in the car). It was cute, both of them did great on the road and Mia seemed all excited to have her little brother back there with her. She kept telling us about his feet or when he sneezed! haha... ok I am getting side tracked a bit.

We finally made it to Sears and checked in. I quickly got Mia dressed in her Wonder Woman outfit, then worked on Alex (who had ANOTHER poopie diaper and I had to change him right there in the middle of the floor!)

Mia was up first, and REFUSED to listen to any directions, but I don't blame her... shes only two and they expected to have her pose?!?!?! pfffffffftttt.... ya right! We were lucky enough to get 1 good picture out of her whole session. All she wanted to do was run around, get into their toys, pick at their props and not stay still. If she did stay still she refused to smile! Even as the lady practically beat her with a purple teddy bear tying to get her to laugh!

Next up was Alex. He too was not the happiest baby. He was hungry and moody, so we had a hard time getting his picture taken as well. We would have him suck on his binky then when the photography lady counted to three I would quickly remove it and she would try to take a picture before he would cry. It only worked a few times before he got wise to the whole gag and refused to stop crying.

Then came time to have the kids pose together! That was a disaster in itself! Either Mia was falling off something or the baby was crying. We tried bribing Mia with EVERYTHING to get her to listen to directions, and once in a while she would listen but would do the action so fast the camera person couldn't capture it. My Dad, in the meantime, sat back watching the whole spectical and thought it was the cutest thing ever! Adrian and I were practically out of breath taking turns with the kids trying to get them set up right.

By the end of the photo shoot I was EXHAUSTED! Mia was only dressed half way in her costume (she was peeling off parts the whole time) and Alex was MAD! he wanted to eat! The lady told us to come back in 15 mins to look at the pictures so we walked around Sears for awhile to kill some time.

EVERYONE thought Alex and Mia looked so cute in their costumes and we were beaming with pride... especially Grandpa! He carried Mia around the TV section while Adrian carried his little superboy! It was picture perfect, but unfortunately, I left my camera in the car.

After killing some time, and getting Mia back into her regular clothes we finally got to see the pictures. Out of the 20-30 pictures they took only 3 came out decent! and I am so happy for that much!!! We got a good one of Mia alone, Alex alone and one of them together! I was pleased. So after the photography lady tried to sell us some insanely expensive packages we opted for just buying 3 8x 10s which came out to a total of $32 which isn't bad at all!!! The pictures will be done by Nov. 10th.

After we paid for the pictures we all went to the mall to eat some lunch... including Alex!!! there is a nice family restroom there where I could nurse him in private in my own little stall with a rocking chair! So we both were pretty happy about that. After we were all fed we managed to make it back home in one piece. Of course Alex had ANOTHER blow out which was not fun to clean but at least he did it on the ride home and not during the pictures!

So will I continue to get their pictures taken... ummm..... probably not any time soon they are just to crazy for me! haha but I am glad I did it though!

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